Love me tender

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Walking back to the courtyard, Michael stayed closed behind her, and as they walked onto the square, everyone's attention turned to them. It was a beautiful day and everyone was spending leisure time in the square of the courtyard. The ladies of the court fluttered their eyes lashes as Michael walked by them, but he paid no heed, focusing his attention on Kyra's back as they made their way to the stables.

The stable boy brought Michael's black Arabian stallion out, and before Michael placed Kyra on it, he called over his youngest brother and told him to gather fifty of his trusted warriors to escort them to the beach, not wanting to take any chances going all alone with Kyra there, because it was too close to the wedding day, and he didn't know who or what they would encounter if they traveled by themselves.

Michael wrapped his huge calloused hands around Kyra's small waist, and lifted her up on the stallion, and then he jumped on behind her, and grabbed the reins. Kyra's father walked up to them quickly, and he didn't looked too happy, as he focused his attentions on his daughter.

"Where are you headed to?" He asked, and Michael guessed that the chief probably heard the gossip, and that is why he didn't looked to pleased to see him.

"We thought to take a ride to the beach." Michael answered. Not at all pleased that he had to explain himself to Kyra's father, when she was his betrothed and by law he could go wherever he pleased with her.

The chief turned his questioning glance on his daughter, but she averted her eyes, and looked the other way.

"Kyra, is everything all right" he asked, in a strong tone of voice.

"Everything is fine father," she lied, not wanting to upset her father.

The chief knew that there was trouble in paradise, but chose to remain out of it, in hopes that they will reconnect, and the wedding takes place. Kyra needed to make a connection with Michael, and say the sacred vows, so she can be safe from the witches.

"Hurry back, your mother and I want to have a word with you as soon as you return." He said gruffly, throwing an unsettling glance towards Michael.

"Yes father, we will do that." She sad, and gave him a weak smile.

At that time, fifty of Michael's trusted warriors, on their horses, filed a line behind Michael's stallion, and waited for orders. Michael's youngest brother called out to them, and told them that they were to stay at least one hundred feet away from the their leader, and when they were near the beach, they were to stay out of earshot, so Michael and Kyra could have their privacy.

Four strong warriors opened the grand wooden gates, and the Arabian stallion galloped out of the courtyard, followed by the rest of the warriors that were going to protect them. Once they were all out of the yard, the wooden doors closed and locked behind them.

Michael wrapped his right arm around Kyra's waist, and held the reins with his other hand. His heart beat wildly, having her near him like this was intoxicating, and it left him breathless. He wanted her badly, as he recklessly tightened his hold on her and leaned his head, and dropped a kissed on her shoulders.

He felt Kyra's body immediately tense, and knew that she too was having a hard time with what was happening to them. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Michael tried to think of what he would tell her once they were alone on the beach. He knew that it was crucial that he speak with tender loving care, and do his best to convince her how sorry he was that he betrayed her. For it was the truth, he loved her, and wanted nothing more than to be faithfull her.

When they reached the east coast, there was unspoilt stretches of sand around them, the magnificent scenery with its dazzling white beaches were hypnotizing, as it surrounded the land that was connected to Lennox castle. Michael put up his hand, and motioned for his warriors to stop following them and to stay put. The warriors pulled their horses, and formed a horizontal line, to guard their leader and his soulmate.

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