My heart melts

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The witches held hands with each other, their eyes were closed, and they prayed vigorously, save for Dora who was by the fireplace throwing another log onto the fire to keep the warmth in the room, and to stop herself from going mad with grief.

Lidia's eyes flew open when she heard Stephan's words, and William held her tight, to keep her in place, not wanting her to get her hopes up high, only to have them taken from her once again if Stephan's claims were not successful. All of Nessa's brothers, save Edward who was in America, and has not been notified of Nessa's mishap, lifted themselves to their feet, and gathered around Stephan and Hawk. Was what Stephan claimed the truth? They wondered excitedly, and knew that Stephan can not lie, and he did have powers that no one else had! Kyra wiped her tears, held her breath, and squeezed the babe in her arms tightly, waiting for a the miracle to be performed.

Lucious heard his brothers words, and was relieved that his aunt Nessa will be returned to them. Mayhap when Stephan was done performing his miracles on her, he can help heal his Abby too, he thought, throwing his attention back to his love.

Abby was burning up with fever, and she looked pale. He didn't know anything about the Valkyries, except that they were very strong and powerful beings. Focusing back to what Stephan was doing, he saw that his brother had closed his eyes, and had placed his hand on Nessa's stomach. He seemed to be praying really hard, and all was silent across the room, as they waited patiently for Nessa to wake up.

Hawks heart squeezed with pain, and pumped wildly. Could this be true, he wondered, not even Fay's could bring a dead Druid back to life! Could it be possible for Stephan to do such a thing?

When Stephan was done, he pulled his hand away, and waited for Nessa too wake up. Everyone in the room remained silent, and held their breath, Hawk looked down at Nessa, he could feel his heart beat thunderously against his muscled chest, and he lost control of his feelings, and allowed the tears to flow once again.

The seconds ticked by, there was a feel of hope that surrounded the huge room, as everyone waited for the miracle, only Stephan felt at ease, knowing what he was capable of. His powers were limitless, his spirit guide told him when he was at the tender age of five, which was only a few weeks after he was born.

Hawk dared not believe that Nessa could come back to him, until he sees it for himself. It would be torturous for him to expect her to rise from the dead only to be told that it could not be done, so when Nessa's eyes slowly fluttered open, Hawk still didn't believe what he was seeing, thinking that his eyes, and mind played tricks on him, but when Nessa's eyes met and locked with Hawks, his heart nearly stopped beating.

"Nessa!" Hawk said hoarsely, as more tears glided down his handsome chiseled face.

"Hawk?" Nessa asked weakly, questioning her whereabouts.

There were gasps around the room, and then ruptures of cheers, as everyone hugged each other. Lidia who was laying on Williams lap, a few feet away, crawled on her hands and knees to her daughter, and buried her head on Nessa's stomach, crying hysterically with relief that her precious daughter was alive once again.

Stephan smiled over Nessa and said, "Welcome back auntie!"

"What happened, what's going on here?" Nessa asked, confused as to why her family members were all in the room around her, until sudden realization consumed her, and she looked up at Hawk. "Where's my daughter?" She asked nervously, her forehead creased with concern.

Hawk pulled Nessa's upper body tightly to him, and nestled her head against his muscled chest. He dropped his lips, and kissed the top of her head, choking back sobs of joy.

"My heart." He said hoarsely, "worry not about our daughter, she is doing well. Please try and relax, and get your strength back Nessa."

"Bring her to me, Hawk, I want to see her." She ordered, with enough strength to bring some color to her face.

Hawk sighed, and glanced at Kyra who cuddled the babe in her arms, "Kyra, bring the babe here, and let her mother have her." He said, knowing that he could never deny Nessa a single thing.

Kyra walked over to where Hawk sat holding Nessa in his strong, and possessive arms, and she lowered the babe, and placed her in her mothers weak arms. Hawk circled his arms around Nessa's to help hold the baby in a more secure position.

"Thank you." Nessa uttered in a raspy, weak voice.

Everyone circled around Hawks little family, grateful for the happy ending to this terrifying ordeal, and smiled at the cooing baby that nestled in its mother embrace.

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