Kalen and Hawk

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Hawk was summoned at Fay court by the king himself. The third in command came to Sterlingshire to deliver the message. Hawk hated leaving his wife and child behind, but he didn't trust Kalen anymore, and didn't feel his family was safe to travel with him to Fay land.

"Daddy can I come with you to Fay land?" She asked in her innocent childish tone.

Hawk lifted her in his arms and kissed her cheek, "No princess you can not, but I promise you that one day I will take you there myself, and show you the beauty of your homeland." He told her, before he placed her down on her two feet.

"But papa, don't you think I should go with you, and visit my future husband. Kalen needs me now, his wife and her lover are planning to remove him from his throne!" She whined.

Hawk stared at his little girl astounded at the things that came out of her mouth. Looking at his wife's horrified expression, he quickly took Violet by her hand and pulled her into his chambers.

Closing the door behind him, he turned around and faced her. "Where did you come up with a story like that?" He yelled at her, marking it as the first time he had ever raised his voice to her.

Violets lips trembled with fear, her father had never spoken to her before in this way, and she was not too happy about it. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she placed her hands on her small hips and said angrilly, "It is not a story! Kalen is my soulmate, and one day I shall marry him! But right now, he is in danger of losing his place on the throne, and he is calling you for help!"

Hawk was taken aback by the directness of Violets words. "And how may I ask do you know all this rubbish?" He asked her, already suspecting what he feared was proving to be true.

Violet shrugged her shoulders, "I just know." She said, and then she wrapped her arms around her fathers legs and begged, "please papa, now can I come with you?"

"No!" He barked, angry that Kalen was his daughters soulmate, that is, if he was to believe that what she said to him was the truth. Kneeling down to her level, he grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Tell me what you know of this, I want to hear everything!"

Violet crossed her arms and her face looked well beyond her nine years of age, "I will not, unless you promise to take me with you, and papa, if you don't take me with you I'll just come on my own anyway!" She threatened.

Hawk finally realized what Lidia was always telling him for the longest time. He had spoiled her rotten, and now it was too late to change her, but did he even want to change her? True she was a brat, but she was his brat, and he loved her more than life itself.

"How do you feel about the King being your soulmate?" He asked her, finally coming to terms that she possessed powers above and beyond any normal Fairy. That alone would grant her the throne as Queen, she didn't need to marry the King.

"Well, the position as Queen thrills me, I'm not sure about the idea of marriage to the King though." She wrinkled her nose at the notion of being married to him. "He's handsome father, but I like being single!" She said, and her father threw his head back and roared with laughter.

Violets eyes shined bright with excitement, she had won her father over, and she could not wait to visit Fay land.

Sobering up, her father raised an eyebrow and asked, "What other gifts and talents do you possess that you have not told me about?"

"Well, last night I discovered that I can sift. Would you like for me to show you papa?" She asked excitedly.

Hawk narrowed his eyes and he said in a low and dangerous voice, "I have better never find out that you have sifted anytime soon, do you hear me?" He asked, already scared that she possessed talents that he himself didn't even have. In fact, he never heard of any Fay or Fairy who could see the future.

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