It's over

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"Mama, papa," Stephan said, clapping his hands happily.

Kyra, still trembling, made her way to her child, and took him in her arms. Tears of joy glided down her beautiful face, as she held her only son tightly. Stephan wrapped his arm around his mother happily, and reached his other arm out to Michael, and said, "papa?"

Michael was overwhelmed with everything that had just transpired, and as he walked over to his wife and child, he wrapped his muscled arms around his family, and squeezed them tight. He did not miss the fact that his wife's body stiffened when he touched her. Nor did he miss the cold look in her eyes when he glanced at her.

The Prince knew that she would give him an earful when everything settled back to normal, and he knew she had every right to do so. He should have taken better care of her, he thought, she should have never gone through all of this heartache, and he promised himself that he would make it all up to her, Even if it meant that he would spend the rest of his life doing so.

There will be many more obstacles in their way, he knew that, Eva's child was one of them, and he sighed, not knowing if Kyra was strong enough after everything she has gone through, to accept yet another downfall in this marriage, but he told himself that he will do everything in his power to fix all the wrongs, and please his wife, for he knew that she was the love of his life, and without her he was nothing.

Taking Stephan in his arms, he wrapped hus other hand around Kyra, and the three of them walked away. They needed privacy to fix their family, and heal their wounds. Everyone watched as they climbed the stairs and disappeared into their chambers.

William ordered Eva's body to be taken away, and he turned his attentions to the witches.

"You have proven yourselves to our clan that you are worthy of our friendship. From thus day forward, you are welcomed in our homes as friends."

The witches were excited, as well as happy that everything turned out well. Stepping forward a few feet, Dora said, "We are all happy that everything turned out for the best. We are happy as well, that we are no longer banned from your lands." Dora said, and then fell silent, lowering her head to her feet.

William could tell that something was bothering her, and he waited patiently for her to speak her peace. "Was there something else you wish to say, mayhap?" He asked, in a respectful tone of voice.

Dora sighed, and mustered up all her courage, and asked, "Yes my Lord, there are two things that I would like to say on behalf of all the withes here today."

William had no idea what else she would want to tell him, and waited patiently to hear her speak.

"Well, we were all wondering if perhaps the word witches is not used ever again, we don't like that word. We think ourselves good people, and do not like to be tagged with a name withes, and now with the old Head mistress, and Eva gone, we would rather be called enchanters instead." Dora said, hoping that William will welcome this new title and enforce it with his people. "We are eager to adopt a new way of life, serving mankind in a positive way, and would very much appreciate it if you would respect us enough on this matter." Dora asked, and all the witches inched closer to her, waiting eagerly for Williams response. It was very important to them that they clear themselves of all evil, and worked for the better good.

The Healer looked around him, to see the reaction of his clan to this new idea, it was really up to them if they wanted to accept the new name or not."Well, what say you? Are ye all willing to accept the witches on our lands, and adopt their new name?" He asked, as he looked around the room, expecting everyone to answer him.

"Aye," someone called out, "they have proven to me that they are worthy of their new title!"

William looked around the room as more and more warriors called out "aye" until it was unanimous, that they were accepted among the Sterlingshire clan.

Dora took a deep sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you, you will not regret it, I promise you."

The Healer waited to hear what the second request would be, and watched as Dora's forehead beaded with sweat. "Our second request is that we be allowed to visit Sterlingshire castle as often as we like, my Lord, because we have all fallen in love with Stephan and would like a part in raising him. He has become attached to us, and we think of him as ours." She said, hoping that she did not over step by asking too much.

"Aye, I think it a good idea, he will have a good and strong support system around him as he grows to manhood." William told the Head witch.

Her eyes warmed, and tears were present. She was very grateful for the turns of events. "Thank you Lord William, we are humbled by your kindness. We shall leave now, but hope to return soon to visit with Stephan."

William raised an eye brow, and asked, "what about Lucious? Where may he be?"

The enchanters all looked at each other silently. Dora dreaded telling him anything about that child. It was silly of her to even think that she would have gotten away with it, but one can only hope. "Lucious is at East Wick." She said, not mentioning the fact that he was locked up in the dungeon, because he was evil, and they feared him.

"I see," William said, not missing the fear in Dora's eyes. "Mayhap we can come for him next week, his father would insist on it."

"Very well, do as you wish, but I must insist on a few of us coming with to live here, and keep an eye on him, until Lucious gets used to living in your castle, he could be unpredictable that one, and I would not want Stephan to be influenced in anyway by him." Dora said, and William thought he detected fear in her voice.

"Very well then, I will send a few men in a few weeks, to escort Lucious, and whoever else wants to come with back to Sterlingshire." He told the witch. Then he nodded his head, and walked away.

The enchanters, made their way out to the courtyard, and when they were out of earshot, Dora whispered, "What do we do now? They do not realize the depth of his evilness. I will have to accompany him back and keep an eye on him, who else is up for the task?"

Not one witch wanted to take on the burden of keeping the evil one from hurting his sibling. It has been over three months since he was born, and Lucious was already months away from becoming a man. Dora feared that as soon as he was out of the dungeon, he would try to destroy Stephan. Evil can not stand next to goodness, and the Head witch smelled trouble brewing.

After many hours, William slowly opened the door to his bed chambers, and not wanting to awaken Lidia, he walked inside and closed the door softly. Taking off his kilt, the Healer walked to the bed, and climbed on the mattress taking extra care not to bother Lidia's body, because she needed the rest.

As he lay next to his wife, William wondered what lay ahead for his family. He knew that. Lucious will be a huge problem in their life, but never the less, he was Michael's son, and his grandson, and he must come to Sterlingshire, it is his birth right to claim his place as a member of the MacAlister clan.

Lost in his own troubled thoughts, the Healer did not notice that Lidia had climbed on top of him, and was taking liberties on his body. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and flipped her over on her back. Pinning her hands above her head, William hungrily lowered his lips down to hers, and kissed her plump lips, loving the feel of her beneath him. She was his life, he thought, as he breathlessly positioned himself between her velvety thighs, and plunged into her. This is what he lived for, and this is what he shall one day die for.

Many of you complained today that you got my chapter "my son" 24 hours later, also many of you complained that that chapter was blank. Also my profile was going berserk this morning when I tried to write in it. So here we go again with the hacking!!!!!!

I'm trying as fast as I can to create my website, where no one can attack me through wattpad. But if they destroy my wattpad site, then I shall create another account and continue there my stories there until my own website is done. My knew account name if this one is ever destroyed will be Theodora the Greek. If I ever stop writing in this account, then look for me under the new name, Theodora the Greek.

Thank you very much for your votes and comments. Xoxxoxoxxoxxo

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