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Hello my dear loving fans!!!! Sorry I didn't write much this weekend, but I was working the Greekfest downtown, and I was very tired pulling double shifts, but now I am relaxed and ready to write many chapters. I promise you I will write at least two more tonight!

I would like to take this time and answer some of your questions that you have all been asking me. I have had numerous fans tell me to go back to the fixture, I promise you that it is coming up, wait for a few more chapters, because I still need to write about how she ended up in the future to begin with. Next I had a fan tell me that this story is similar to my other story, and another fan asked about the emerald tablets, because I use the emerald tablets, in my other highlander stories too. Please let me explain this.

I am going to be writing many many many highlanders stories in the future, and I need for you all who will be reading my stories to know how how I am thinking. So I will make a list of what a Druid is to me, and what a Druid does.

1. A Druid is a muscled, strong and powerful man.

2. He is immortal, but there is a single magical sword that can kill them, if it falls into the enemies hand.

3. He is gifted with many talents and magic

4. He is absolutely one hundred percent handsome and hot and sexy!!! And they have shafts and jewels that are oversized.

5. They want sex twenty four seven, their appetite is endless.

6. They sleep around, but once they find their true soulmate they are extremely faithful and loyal to their soulmate, and can not live without them.

7. The Druids stop aging when they reach 32 years of age, and the Druidess stop aging when they reach 28 years of age.

8. A Druidess pregnancy is only for four months, and when the baby is born, it grows at a very fast speed.

So there you have it! To me, that is the definition of a Druid. Maybe in real life they were not this way, I don't know, but in all my books, this is how they will be.

Some fans ask me why my love stories are always hurtful, and go through a lot with their soulmate, my answer to that is, because if you read a love story and they are always happy from beginning to end, it would be BORING, and so I spice It up always with betrayals, cheat ings, and lies, but each time, never once does any Druid fall out of love from his soulmate.

I also would like to talk about the whippings, back in the dark ages, a woman was not allowed to talk down to her husband, or to her betrothed, a whipping was the punishment, I know it sounds brutal, but that's how it was back then.

In all my Druid stories there will be a soulmate, powerful love, punishment of some kind, a betrayal, emerald tablets, time travel, and so on....

Please if you don't like these kind of stories, I suggest you not read my books, and I'm not saying this to be mean, it's just that I don't want you to waste your time reading something because you started it and feel you should finish it, as one fan once told me. Just do yourself a favor and STOP reading it! I've already told you what all my stories will be like, so now you have the choice to move foward and read my stories or stop and run for your life, and never read my stuff again.

I really love it when my fans make commits. I read each and everyone of them, but cannot answer all of them because when I tried doing that the wattpad people stop me and don't allow me to post it, they say that I'm trying to collect a higher score in comments by answering each one. But know that I read each and every comment, and I thank you sooooo much for taking your time to write me, plus it keeps me writing, the more you comment and vote, the more I write to please you all.

Your votes are very important, because it has brought me to number 6 on the hot list, and I am so very thankful for your help. Now my works is in the fist set of printouts and more people can find my book. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

I need a moment here to write to all my fans who have followed me from the other books, to me, you are my super fans!! Each and everyone of you are special to me! When I see your votes and comments from my notifications, I get so happy that you are still around. From the bottom of my heart I thank you kindly.

I will continue writing my other book, I just took a few weeks off, but will soon, very soon finish that storybook.

For my new fans, my other books are called, my highlander my heart, my highlander my heart part two, sweet obsession, and, my fist love, and they are under the profile name of Theodora Koulouris. If you haven't read them yet, please go on that profile and check it out, I think you will like my other books too.

And last, I want to let you know that go ahead and comment on what ever you like, and on whatever you don't like. I do not get mad or upset with the negative criticism, if you present it in a humane way, instead if telling me off in a mean way, just tell me your complaint, and help me become a better writer. Many of you have helped me by pointing out my mistakes, and I go back and try to correct them. Thank you kindly. Some of you also have helped me write the story by giving me ideas!! THANKS!!!

Sorry about the grammar mistakes, I write without editing, and so there will be many mistakes, but once I publish my stories, of course they will be edited and corrected, and it will be extremely graphic.

Well that's all for now, thank you again for being a part of my journey. I love you all, and I thank you too. GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!!!!

And mow back to writing to produce at least two more chapters for you tonight!!!


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