Listen to the whispers of my heart

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I was so distressed yesterday that I didn't even notice that the chapter wasn't finished, lol.

Thanks for all the kind words, made my day. Believe this or not, but I was considering to stop writing this book! That's how upset I was. Xoxxoxxoxoxxo


The chill in the air sent a shiver through Nessa's body, and Hawk tightened his hold on her, to keep her warm.

"You must go inside, or you'll catch your death!" Hawk said firmly, worried that she will get sick.

"I'm not leaving here until we clear a few things out first!" Nessa argued.

"Then do it hastily, I do not want you out here more than you have to be." His voice sounded caring, and brought comfort to Nessa.

"I shall get straight to the point then! First of all, Robert was just a crush I had before I ever laid eyes on you, he means nothing to me! And I did not kiss him, he kissed me!" She said, and watched his eyes grow warm, and the bright gold color of his eyes rekindled their fire, shining brightly, with love. "So now that all that is cleared up, there is one more matter to take care of, I am pregnant and am going to have your child!" She told him point blank, and held her breath for for his reaction.

Hawk silently looked at her, not really grasping what she just told him. Nessa waited until her words sunk in, before she continued. His brows drew together, and there was a haze of darkness that covered the gold of his pupil.

"What trickery is this you speak of?" He asked gruffly, his mood already changing into one of annoyance. "We can not have children you and I, tis impossible!"

The Fay threw her a disapproving look before he pushed Nessa gently off his lap, and lifted himself to his feet. Towering above her, he looked down at her, and sighed, "Go inside now Nessa, it's getting much to cold for you to be out here without a cloak." He scolded, as if she were an annoying child.

The Druidess placed her hands on her hips, "Didn't you hear anything that I just said Hawk?" She asked, not really sure if he heard and chose to ignore her, or if he didn't understand her words.

Golden brown leaves dropped from the trees that were scattered in the garden, coating the ground, when a gust of wind whirled around them, and Hawk, afraid that his soulmate would catch her death cold, spun her around, and pushed her gently towards the castle.

"I will not have you getting sick!" He scolded, "it's much too cold out here for you to be prancing about without a cloak!"

Nessa turned around and faced him. Her eyes shined bright with anger, her small hands turned to fists at her side, and her heart pounded against her chest wildly.

I'm not cold!" She yelled, frustrated that he was not listening to what she had to say. "I'm pregnant!"

Her words sounded crazy, she can not be pregnant, he thought, the cold must have rattled her brain, victimizing her to believe such nonsense. Mayhap, she missed him while he was gone, and felt abandon, that she made up this story to grab his attention. Folding his arms across his muscled chest, Hawk decided the only way to get her inside the castle by the warm fireplace, was to agree with her with what ever it was she wanted to say, and then escort her quickly inside the castle.

Pulling her head back to meet his gaze, Nessa realized that he was being stubborn, because she wasn't obeying his command to go inside the castle.

"I'm pregnant." She repeated again. This time it was a faint whisper, that escaped from her lips, but it grabbed his attention,

The Fay sighed, "You are not pregnant Nessa!" His told her gently, as guilt made its way to his heart. He knew that every woman wanted to be a mother, but that was one thing he could not help her with.

Closing his eyes for a second, Hawk pushed away the fear of loosing her from his mind. He did not want to believe that she loved him so little, that she would leave him for this. "I'm sorry Nessa, I wish I could give you many children, but it is impossible for me to do so."

Nessa was determined to get her Fay to understand what she was telling him. She grabbed his hand, and placed it on her belly. "There's a baby in here Hawk, by some miracle I'm pregnant!"

"Come on now Nessa, you know that can't be! How can you be pregnant when it is impossible to be so?" He asked, doing everything he could to erase the image of Robert kissing his betrothed from his mind, and then a thought occurred to him. As much as it pained him to think it, the thought wrapped itself around his heart and squeezed tightly.

Could Nessa be carrying Roberts child, he thought wildly, did she mayhap want a child so bad, and used the Druid to produce one? He was gone from her side almost a fortnight, anything could have happened between Robert and her during his absence!

{ I can just see all the eyes rolling at their computer screen having read this chapter. Lol, well we need a little more drama, don't we? }

But as quickly as that idea came to his mind, he rejected it. Nessa loved him, he was sure of that, and she would never betray him. Hawk was sure that she has made a mistake about the pregnancy, and he pulled her into his possessive arms and cradled her. If she wants to believe that she is pregnant, he would let her, it's the least he could do, he thought, as the guilt made it's way to his gut.

She sacrificed a lot to be with him, and for that he will always be grateful. His heart swelled with love for her, as he lifted her in his strong arms, and walked down the cobbled stone pathway to the castle.

"Put me down Hawk!" She yelled at him, hurt that he was not paying any attention to what she was telling him.

Hawk kept walking, he wanted to get her inside the castle quickly, before the cold air gave her a death cold, but his spitfire kicked and screamed in his arms to put her down. Hawk threw her a sexy smile, before he lowered his head, and brushed his lips against hers. He kissed her, loving the feel of her. God, he thought, he loved this woman more than life itself!

Thank you for your bites and comments xoxxoxoxxoxoxxo

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