Where am I?

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Kyra could not open her eyes, nor could she move. It was like she was trapped in her own body. Scared out of her mind, and with a throbbing headache, she tried to listen to what the people around her were saying.

"You did well hoodlum." The head witch of East Wick said, and threw him a black bag full of gold coins. "Take this and share it with your friends, and don't ever come back here unless I call for you, do you understand?"

The hoodlum didn't even answer, he walked away from her, as he dug his fingers in the coin bag, and felt the gold. Throwing a toothless smile at his partners in crime, he motioned for them to follow him, and they ran the hell out of there before they were turned to frogs!

The head witch turned her attentions to her minors, her eyes sparkled wickedly, as she licked her lips. "Do we kill her now, or do we wait till she delivers the child?" She asked, as her eyes roamed the room looking for Eva.

Spotting her all the way in the back, by the huge window, the head witch focused in on her, and called out her name, "Eva!" She barked, "Why aren't you here where you belong! And where's your brat? I hope he is not meddling in the potion room again!"

Eva rolled her eyes, and sighed. She hated this witch with a passion, and wished her dead. It is time, she thought, for a new witch to take charge.

"Have I told you what I think of you and your nasty attitude?" She dared to ask, and watched as the head witches face twisted with anger. "It is time you stepped down from your position and give control to some other witch don't you think? It is my birthright to claim the title of head witch, when I turned twenty two years old, and that was two days ago! Did you think I would forget that the prophecies write that I am to be worshipped, and my name shall be chanted among the underworld?"

The head witch narrowed her eyes at something that Eva was holding in her hands. Her heart started to beat wildly against her chest. She should have killed Eva way before now, she thought, now it was to late!

"You seem to forget child, that I alone hold the key to the underworld. They will not worship you as long as I'm alive!" She said, still keeping her eyes on Eva's hands.

"I know that." Eva smiled, striking fear in the head witch's heart when she raised her hand in the air and threw the dagger at her.

All the other witches stepped back and trembled with fear, they knew that Eva was not one to mess with, too bad the head witch realized this too late, as she crumbled to the floor. Eva flew to her side and kneeled by her side.

"Tell me the secret to unlock the underworld b@tch, or I shall not allow for you to die, I will have your body suffer in the torture chamber for millions of years." Eva threatened.

"I will never tell you!" She hissed as blood poured out from her chest.

Eva pulled the dagger out of her heart and plunged it back inside her, over and over again, until the witch stopped breathing.

Then she lifted her body off the floor, and turned around. All the witches took a few steps back, fearing for their life, and Eva liked that. Let them fear her, she thought, it will make her job as head witch easier.

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