She is mine

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There was dead silence across the room, as Hawks dark gaze scanned every inch of the dining area waiting to see if anyone breathed a word of disrespect against his soulmate. He looked like a wild beast with his golden hair loose around his shoulders, and his giant form in a warrior stance, prepared to rip someone's head off if need be.

Michael took this moment to think of his next move, and he made a fist and slammed it against Hawks abs of steel. It was a miracle that his fingers didn't break, and fall off his hand. Hawk grabbed Michael's hand just as he was about to throw another punch, and looked down at him.

"You never learn do you? Even when we were friends, you acted without thinking. You are a stubborn, egotistic Druid, who thinks the world evolves around you! No wonder your personal life is in turmoil." The Fay said in a dangerous tone of voice. "I have loved you like a brother, and brought you to my lands, even though my king advised against it. I have fought by your side, and even saved your life a few times! Many times I over looked the fact that you never treated me as your equal, but my love for you my friend, has helped me to understand your ways, and your people, and I never judged you for your actions!"

Hawk let go of the Druids hand, walked over to where Nessa stood, and pulled her in his arms.

"I know you feel I have disrespected you by claiming your sister mine, but it was not my intention for this to happen. I tried to resist with everything inside me, I did not want to betray our friendship, but my heart didn't listen to me, and I fell hopelessly in love with her!" Hawk said, and he tightened his hold on Nessa. "I love her Michael with everything inside me, and I will not walk away from her. You must accept this, because with or without your blessings, we will get married!"

At that moment Kyra walked in the dining room holding her son by the hand. She had just returned from taking her child to the toiletry, and heard the conversation between her husband and the Fay.

All eyes fell on her, as she made her way to where Hawk and Nessa stood. Her eyes scanned the room, before they rested on Michael with disapproval. She had heard Hawk speak and his choice of words ripped her heart in two.

Throwing an accusing glare at her husband, she could not help but say bitterly, "Hawk loves your sister more than life itself. Give them your blessings Michael, do not deny Nessa this one chance to be happy, as you have denied me my happiness! Are you blind, can't you see they are soulmate's? You have never looked at me the way Hawk looks at your sister! His eyes shine bright with love for her, and if you, even for a moment got rid of your ego, mayhap you and I could have found love like theirs too!" She accused.

For the first time in his life Michael was left speechless, he could not believe what his wife just said. Did she really believe that he didn't love her enough? Has he not shown her a million times over, that she was the very air that he breathed? Could she really feel as though he didn't love her? Was his ego so big that he hadn't realized that his wife was feeling unloved?

"What rubbish is this you speak of?" Michael asked his wife in disbelief, forgetting that there was a room full of people who watched them eagerly, and inched closer to hear every word uttered. "I love you with every breath that I take! No man alive has loved a woman the way I have loved you!"

Kyra threw her head back and laughed out loud, and Michael narrowed his eyes and looked around the room, everyone was witness to Kyra's accusations and laughter, including their son, who hid behind the folds of his mothers skirts.

"Stop embarrassing yourself wife! You have an audience in case you haven't noticed, that you have entertained from the moment you walked into the room!" He growled.

Kyra drew her head upright and raised an eye brow, "You think I have entertained them and not you, all mighty king of the Druids?" She said sarcastically and bowed before him.

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