A strand of memories

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As Michael held his soulmate in his arms, he could not help but think that soon this could all explode in the air, because her memory was back, but not one hundred percent. It would take a good twenty four hours for her memory to be restored as it was before, and when that happens, will she still want him? And what about Eva? What if she decides not to heed his warning and comes back, what then?

Squeezing her tighter in his strong arms, Michael knew that he would have to marry her right away to complete the connection. He would have a better chance of winning her love completely if they were married. Mayhap he could marry her in a few days, and bind her to him forever.

"Make love to me Michael." She said in a desperate tone, remembering somehow that eight hundred years ago when they were together he always held back saying he wanted to wait until their marriage bed, but Kyra was no longer a virgin, and she wanted him badly.

Michael pulled back from her, and looked into her beautiful, sparkling, blue eyes that were filled with love, "No Kyra, we will wait for our marriage bed." He said softly.

"Why Michael, I am no longer a virgin." She said, not understanding why he was still saying no.

The Prince wanted desperately to make love to her, but he wanted to do the right thing for once in his life, and wait. He wanted no more regrets. "Kyra don't make this hard for me, I have never waited for anyone in my entire life, I only took you against your will, because I thought you had betrayed me with my brother, and you were no longer a virgin, but now I want to hold off until our marriage bed." He told her, even though his erection was ready to explode.

Kyra was greatly disappointed and suspected that there was another reason why he would not touch her in that way, and Michael read her thoughts in her eyes, and pulled her in his arms. "Kyra don't do this! If both of us start to doubt each other again, our relationship will be in trouble again. Please, I beg of you to wait a few more days, and I will arrange for the wedding date to be set for this weekend." He told her, "before you left me Kyra the last time, our relationship was in trouble, remember? Please let's not fall into that trap again, I beg of you. I will not lose you again Kyra! You must listen to what I say to save our relationship. I will marry you, and then we will consummate our marriage, and I promise you that I shall have you trembling in my arms begging for mercy." He told her passionately.

But Kyra's mind went wild with thoughts. Even though she remembered their past, there was still something amiss, she was sure of it, and that bothered her greatly. Mayhap she thought, that is the reason he is not willing to sleep with her.

Michael sighed, he knew that Kyra's thoughts were all over the place and he needed to give her a little something to tease her appetite, mayhap, he thought with a smile on his full lips, that will keep her satisfied until the big night.

He gently pulled her off the bed, removed her gown, and took a few steps back to admire her beauty. Lust slammed into his body causing his erection to triple in size, and it throbbed to be inside her. With trembling hands he removed his kilt and stood naked in front of her. Kyra's eyes lowered to his shaft and her heart beat wildly.

Michael lifted Kyra into his arms and placed her on the ivory sheets, and climbed on the bed next to her. It took every single ounce of will power that he had, to not take her now, and he closed his eyes for a second until he mastered his thoughts, so he won't lose control. Then his calloused hands, reached out and touched her round and firm breasts, before he brought his lips to them, and he heard his soulmate gasp a sigh.

His lips traveled downwards to her stomach and even lower than that, and he spread her thighs, and his tongue reached her private domain, and Michael heard Kyra's husky moan when he gave her what she so desperately craved, until waves of pleasure claimed her, and she cried out with passion.

Michael's was crazy with want now, and he knew that his body was needing to release itself of its burden, but he withheld from claiming Kyra, wanting to wait for their marriage bed. He was aching beyond belief, and he took her hand, wrapping it around his erection, and placed his hand on top of hers, and stroked his shaft until it exploded. His body shook wildly and a masculine groan escaped his luscious lips, and Kyra watched him until he was done, knowing that he was the handsomest, sexiest man she had ever seen.

It took a while for Michael's to cool off, but when he did, he threw her a sexy hot smile to die for, that left Kyra with many questions playing in her mind, and she could not appreciate the lovely moment. The Druid noticed her change of heart, and lifted his body of the bed, walked over to the dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a white cloth. He walked to the table, dipped the cloth inside the water bowl, twisted it to get all the water out, and brought the cloth to her, to wiped her hands clean.

After the task was done, Michael sat on the edge of the bed, as his eyes took in her beauty once again. "I want you badly Kyra, I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you. I could take you here and now, and give you the pleasure that you crave, but I desperately want to do the right thing for once, and save you for our marriage bed, it means the world to me, but if you want it now, I will not deny you." He told her hoarsely.

Kyra's wanted him, but chose to do as he wants, and wait. Seeing the look in his eyes, the want, and desperation, she fell into his arms, "Michael, I love you." She said in a husky tone.

The Druid wrapped his strong and possessive arms around her, and he knew that she finally understood and accepted the depth of his feelings for her.

It was hours later as Kyra slept in his arms that Michael's thoughts came to haunt him once again. He knew that tomorrow when all her thoughts will be restored, there was a chance she might want to murder him. He held on tighter to her, fearing rejection, and decided that he would not wait to marry her this weekend. He would marry her tonight! He must exchange the sacred vows with her, and consummate the marriage to complete the soulmate connection before she remembers everything and leaves him once again, and he knew that his heart would not be able to handle that again.

Please do not think for a minute that I don't read your messages! I read every single one of them, and love you all for them. I can not respond to all of them because when I do so the wattpad company flags me, saying that I respond too much just to get points. So I only answer the comments with questions. Most of the time, but I do enjoy reading all of them, and some of you are funny, and make me laugh, some of you bring happy tears to my eyes, some of you give me ideas, and I appreciate each and every one of you, even the ones with constructive criticism, believe it or not those comments make me a better writer, because when you point out my mistakes I try and fix them. Thank you for your devotion, and support. Your votes and comments are greatly appreciated and just the way all of you look forward to my postings, I look forward to reading your comments, and counting your votes. Xoxxoxoxxoxxoxxoxo

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