Four days left

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With only four days left for the wedding, Michael was getting anxious. A million and one things tugged at his heart. First and foremost, his soulmate, who was totaling ignoring him, and had him longing for her, to a point where he couldn't eat, sleep or concentrate. Never in his life had he ever felt anywhere near the pain he was feeling now. In all honesty, he never had felt pain before. It took a petite mere woman, to bring him to his knees, and wipe the smile of his conceited face.

He had to fall deeply in love with his Godess to feel these things, and finally know what love meant, but these feelings were weighing heavilly on his heart. He was a mighty warrior, chief of his clan, strong, powerful and worshiped by his people. A leader among leaders, who has proved to his people many times over, that he was worthy of his Druid title, and if it was known that one measly woman had the power in her little pinky to weaken him, they would all laugh at him, and he would lose the respect that he has earned over the five hundred years of his life.

He sighed, and walked over to the window, and peeked outside, hiding behind the silk curtains so no one saw him. His soulmate was taking a stroll in the courtyard with his sisters and he longed to have her back in his arms, but she won't even give him the time of day. She looked so beautiful and carefree, as she laughed at something his sister Lainie said to her. Depression overwhelmed him, and he placed his hand on his muscled chest, and tried to ease the pain that threatened to claim his heart once again.

He turned his attention to his brothers who were training with the other warriors, and he focused in on Edward, who had his eyes on Kyra as she walked by with his sisters, and rage built up in his heart once again. Falling back on the wall he slid his body down to the floor, and placed his face in his huge calloused palms, and waited until the anger that had settled in his stomach disappeared. It was the only way he knew of, to tame his nerves.

Not one family member was talking to him, including his mother who gave birth to him. They all ignored his existence, because they blamed him for everything. He was all alone, and wallowed in his misery, and to cover up his pain and loneliness, he became ruthless, and took it out on everyone around him.

He was a pathetic excuse of a human being and he knew it. Finally admitting to himself that he is in the wrong. He was blinded by his ego, but now that the pain overpowered his ego, he understood that he was behaving like a beast.

At that moment the door swung open, and Michael raised his head and found the healer looking down at him, and he didn't look too happy.

"Get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself!" The healer growled. "Be the man that your father raised you to be! Go apologize to your mother for hurting her, she is devastated at what you have done to the family, and to yourself, and I will not have her in tears, do you hear me? And son, I tell you this, unless you want to lose your soulmate, you had better hurry up and get on your hands and knees and apologize to her quickly, because I fear she is moving on without you. She is beautiful and there isn't a man here that will not want to claim her his!"

The healers last words cut deep into his heart and the giant warrior lifted himself off his feet and he marched out into the hallway and down the stairs to go claim his betrothed back.

The healer watched, with a satisfied grin, how his words impacted his son, and was pleased that finally he was taking action. But deep in his heart he knew that the next four days will be the hardest for Michael and the family, and he wanted to stay around and help them, for the days ahead will be dark and painful for every one on the land. Bracing his heart, he followed after Michael to keep an eye on him, and make sure that he doesn't change his mind last minute. William knew that he too had to take care of his situation with Lidia, he must reveal his identity before his sons wedding, because he wanted to spend at least one night with his soulmate before doomsday comes.

Running down the stairs, William, walked over to the door just in time to witness Michael snatch Kyra against her will, and lift her into his arms. The healer sighed, the fact that Michael acted like a cave man sometimes, didn't sit well with him.

Everyone was surprised in the courtyard at the way Michael publicly held his betrothed in his arms against her will, and watched as he marched back to the castle with her.

"Put me down!" Kyra yelled, as she tried to release herself of his hold, but her plea's fell on deaf ears, Michael simply looked down at her with adoring eyes, and bent his head and kissed her, as they disappeared into the castle.

All the ladies of the court that witnessed this display of love, sighed and wished it was them that were his soulmate. For they all wanted him desperately, having tasted him in their bed many times before, and now he was no longer interested in them because the Godess claimed his heart. The women turned their attentions to the twin, he was just as gorgeous, and they all vied for his attention now.

The healer walked up to Lidia and said, "Our son has much to learn on ways of the heart." He said, not realizing that he slipped, and said "our son." But Lidia did not miss it, and she smiled to herself, thinking that he too needed to brush up on his heart skills. Mayhap he needed a push in the right direction she thought wickedly.

When the two of them walked but a few feet away, Lidia pretended to trip, and fall on him, and William wrapped his arms around her, and prevented her from falling. Lidia looked up at him and fluttered her eyelashes at him, and an unexpected rush of heat burned his loins, making him lose his mind.

Lidia noticed the effect she was having on him, and knew that with a little bit of help from her, he would be in her bed by nightfall. She has waited five hundred years for this day, and with flushed cheeks, she thought of his body on top of hers,a and trembled in his arms.

William however mistook her trembling for disgust, thinking that she was repelled by what was under his hood. Mayhap she thought that he was all scarred up, and she didn't want him to touch her. With a sinking heart he released her from his hold, and excused himself, and as he walked away, he thought it was a good thing that he wore the black long robe that healers wear, and no one can see his over sized shaft that was throbbing to be touched by her.

He has disciplined himself all these years that he lived like a monk, not to respond to his sexual needs. With a lot of hard work, he tamed his needs not to over power his way of life.

Today however, all the years of discipline was forgotten the second she fell into his arms, and he wanted to desperately take her to his bed, and make love to her. Mayhap tonight is the night he will go and claim her back into his arms.

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