Talk to me

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When Nessa finally awoke, she fluttered her eyes open, and noticed that Hawk was not in bed with her. Pulling the blankets over her head, Nessa dug under them to warm her face. She noticed that neither Hawk nor missy had tended to the fireplace to ward off the chill in the room.

A slow smile curved on the edge of her lips, and Nessa was sure that her cheeks flamed with heat, as she thought of the many things Hawk had done to her all night long. A tightness coiled in her stomach, and she could feel the wetness between her thighs, where Hawks tongue caressed and teased, and made love to her all night long. She stretched her arm, and ran her fingers across the cold ivory sheets on Hawks side of the bed, until a chill claimed her, and she pulled her arm back under the covers, and tucked the blankets underneath her body, trying to keep the cold from sneaking in.

She knew that it was way past mid afternoon, because the rays of the sun did not shine through her window, being that the sun was now over the castle, facing the other direction. She must have slept through half of the day. Hunger pangs claimed her, but she was too cold to get out of bed in search of food, so she stayed where she was warm and comfortable.

A while later, missy opened the door to her room, and entered with her arms full of wood. Walking over to the fireplace, she dropped the wood on the stone floor, and preceded to build a warm fire.

Nessa sneaked her head out of the blankets, and watched, as missy poked the fire, and backed away, as the orange flames billowed around the wood, hungrily, breaking the chill in the cold room. Nessa felt the warmth almost immediately, and was thankful of all the blessings in her life.

"Thank you missy." Nessa said, as the young girl was about to leave her room.

"Tis nothing Lady Nessa." She said in a low voice that was almost a whisper. "Would you like me to bring you something to eat? I noticed that you were not present at the family table for the afternoon meal."

Remembering Gretchen's oversized body, Nessa lost her appetite, "No thank you, I have not an appetite now, have you seen Hawk?" She was quick to ask.

"Yes my lady, he left the castle with Michael, and a bunch of other warriors early in the morning. I overheard them saying that were going to collect more wood, because they believe our winter will be fierce this year, and they shan't be back until nightfall." She said, before she curtsied and left, closing the door behind her.

Another day without her warrior Nessa thought, with a sinking heart, as a longing claimed her. Throwing back the covers, Nessa jumped out of bed, placed her feet inside her warm slippers, and quickly dressed, not wanting to spend another second in her bed. Running her fingers through her long tresses, Nessa walked over to the window and peeked outside.

Her eyes searched below, beyond the courtyard, across hundreds of acres of MacAlister land that stretched all the way to the sea. The rich golden colors of autumn, decorated the land, as the reds, golds, and yellow colors painted the ground, and the beauty of it took Nessa's breath away, as she remembered how her brothers chased her and Lanie, until they fell and rolled over onto a bed of dried leaves.

A smile curved her plump lips, as the treasured memories of innocence played out in her mind. A pang of emptiness claimed her, as she thought of her sister Lanie, and wondered where she was. No one has heard not even a word of where her gentle warrior has taken her.

Nessa sighed, and decided to go downstairs to find Kyra. She opened the door of her chambers, and a cool breeze caressed her cheeks, as she ran down the stairs in a hurry. Walking through the great hall, she saw many warriors gathered around the huge fireplace drinking ale. All conversations came to a complete halt when they noticed her, and their appreciating gaze swept over her, as they nodded acknowledging her presence. She threw them a sweet smile, and continued into the dining area, where she thought to find Kyra, sitting by the huge fireplace with the ladies of the court, but to her dismay, the room was empty.

She turned around to go in search of Kyra, thinking mayhap she was in the siting room sipping tea, and fell into the strong arms of Robert. She blushed and pulled herself away from him, not knowing where he had come from.

"I'm sorry Robert, I did not know you were behind me." She told him, throwing him a smile to die for.

The warriors eyes twinkled brightly, and his full lips curved into a lazy smile. Folding his arms, he swept his eyes slowly all the way down her petite body, before his eyes traveled back up to hers again.

"Nessa," he said, in a deep and rich voice, "I finally have you to myself, seems to me you have been trying to avoid me ever since you have returned with your giant to Sterlingshire"

Nessa was left speechless, this is the man she had desired before she met Hawk, and she felt a little uneasy standing here alone with him without a chaperone.

Robert raised an eyebrow, and waited for her to explain herself. Robert had always known that she favored him among all the other warriors, and he waited patiently until she was ready for him to give her her first kiss, but when she was unexpectedly betrothed to Neil, he backed off, and hated himself for not claiming her hand in marriage first. When the Fay kidnapped her from the cathedral, Robert didn't know what to think, but never in his wildest dreams did he think that she would choose a Fay over a Druid!

Nessa looked up into his handsome chiseled face. He was too good looking for his own good, she thought, as her heart beat against her chest. He was her choice of all the other warriors, she knew that he would have made her a good husband, but Hawk came along and stole her heart.

"Rest assured Robert that I have not gone out of my way to avoid you." She told him honestly.

Robert was overwhelmed with regrets, and without thinking he placed his huge calloused hands behind her neck and pulled her head closer to his, and he lowered his mouth to claim hers.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hawk growled from the entrance way.

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