Trembling with fear

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Kyra trembled with fear. She knew that she was in a very bad situation, and hoped that her father found her before Eva had her way with her. Her baby kicked roughly inside her stomach, and a single tear glided down her face, she was in big trouble, and she knew it.

"Take Kyra's body, and place her in the torture chamber!" Eva ordered angrily, but no one moved an inch. "Do as I say, and I shall allow you to live, cross me and you shall die by the same fate as this witch!" Eva said, and pointed her finger at the dead body. "I am the Head mistress now, and you shall all bow to me from now on!"

All the witches bowed in front of her, without hesitation, they were scared of her, because they knew that her powers were stronger than theirs.

"Good, I think all of you and I, will get along just fine." She said, "now remove the witch's body and throw her in the pit to burn, and take Kyra's body to the torture chamber!"

"What are you going to do to the pregnant lady?" A young witch dared to ask.

There was silence in the room, as everyone turned and looked at Eva, waiting for her answer.

"We are going to take the babe out of her stomach, and then kill her. We have no use for her after that." She said, and all the witches looked at each other, and trembled with fear.

Fear speared in Kyra's heart when she heard Eva's words. The crazy b@tch is going to kill me, she thought desperately, I must try and free myself before it's too late!

A few witches pulled the dead witch out of the room to dispose of her body, and four other witches grabbed Kyra's body, and took her into the torture chamber, and laid her on a board.

"Do you think that she would actually kill her?" Asked one of the witches, who was the prettiest of the four. "I mean, can't she just take the child without killing her?"

"Keep your voice down child, if Eva hears you, she will take the knife on you too!" The oldest of the four said.

"I'm afraid of Eva, I always have been. She's evil, and I don't trust her!" Whispered Maya, "we are not about killing people, the worst we've ever done was slip a potion in ones drink, but the Head witch held the key to the underworld, and wanted power, and she called on the dark ones to battle with us against the MacAlister's, and now Eva wants to kill people. I say we get rid of her, and live in peace!"

"Stop running your mouth before you get us all killed!" Hissed the fourth witch. "I for one want to live, and I will not let you get me in any kind of trouble, let's tie her up, and leave this room, and go about our bussiness, before Eva comes, and finds us still here!"

The four of them tied Kyra up quickly, and scurried out of there, leaving her all alone. Kyra tried desperately to move, but her body was paralyzed, and she wondered if Eva has cast a spell on her, and paralyzed her. If that were true, she knew that she was in worse trouble than she originally thought.

It didn't take long for Eva to come into the torture chamber. The witch slammed the door shut, and walked up to the board bed where Kyra lay. Waving her hands in the air, she said a few magic words, and Kyra was set free of the spell that bound her helpless. Opening her eyes, kyra watched with fear, as Eva leaned over her.

"How does it feel to have fear running through your body?" The witch asked Kyra, and her cold eyes smiled at her. "I will have your life Kyra! You took what belonged to me, and I want it back!"

"You shall never have what is mine you crazy bitch, Michael will kill you with his bare hands when he finds you!" Kyra said in a firm and unwavering voice.

Mad with anger, Eva raised her hands and slapped Kyra across the face, leaving her palm prints on her beautiful face. "Shut up b@tch! I will take your baby out of your stomach, and kill you afterwards. Then I shall go to Michael, and he will marry me!" Her voice was cool and collective, as if she knew what she was saying was going to work in her favor.

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