I see you

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Nessa came down the stairs with Hawk right behind her. She was famished, having skipped breakfast. The smell of chicken soup and freshly baked bread filled the air, and Nessa hurriedly made her way to the dining table. Hawk pulled out a chair for her to sit on, and sat on the chair next to her, The Fay nodded to everyone at the table, and then looked around the room.

Hundreds of hungry warriors sat, waiting for the servants to serve them lunch. Hawk caught sight of Robert and raised an eyes brow. For some reason, Hawks guts twisted, and his gaze darkened. That man is trouble, he thought to himself, I have to keep an eye on him!

Michael followed Hawks gaze across the room, and tensed, trouble was brewing, he could smell it.

Willam too looked in the same direction, and he knew that Robert was trouble, but soon, he thought, all would be taken care of. Looking down at his wife, his eyes warmed, and his heart melted into liquid fire. To him, she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Looking around the table, his glance rested on all of Lidia's sons. They were great warriors, and he loved them all. He missed Edward and Lanie, but he knew that they were safe. Tomorrow he and his sons, all of them, including Hawk and many other warriors had to go on a hunt. It was delayed, but they could not wait any longer. They must go hunting before the snow falls, and they were trapped on Sterlingshire grounds until spring. He sighed, and took another bite of the meat he held in his hands. He hoped they would be back before trouble started.

After lunch, Lidia decided to take to the pastries in the sitting room, it was warmer in there she said, noticing the look William threw her. He knew that he was not welcomed in the sitting room with all the other ladies of the court there gossiping about happenings in the courtyard. His eyes followed Lidia out into the hallway, behind her was Nessa, and Kyra, followed by many of the ladies of the court, who did not choose to retire for an afternoon nap.

He focused his attentions back to Hawk, who looked lost without Nessa. William understood the powerful feelings the Fay felt for the mother of his child, and knew that she was a lucky woman.

Lifting himself off his chair, william looked across the table, "I need a word with all of you. I shall be waiting in the private library, don't be late." His voice was firm, and full of authority.

Michael narrowed his eyes, as anger set in his heart. William was trying to take over his position as laird of his keep, and that didn't sit well with him. His father was too bossy, and has forgotten his place in the castle! Michael thought, throwing his napkin on the table, and lifting himself to his feet. It is about time I remind him his place in the castle, before he nominates himself the chief! Michael thought with rage.

Robert watched the MacAlister men leave their table, he fixed his eyes on Hawk who was walking behind them, and his gut twisted with hate. He was a freaking Fay! They were all traitors to their race! He was going to fix them once and for all, he thought, as he looked around the dining room for Abby. He hadn't seen her today and his shaft throbbed, he needed to release himself, where had that b!tch gone too?

Michael waited until everyone walked into the library, and then he slammed the door closed. Everyone took their seat around the table except Michael. He stood with his hands on his hips looking at his father, and everyone knew that he was about to explode.

"Father since when have you appointed yourself in charge of the keep? Last I knew, that position belonged to me!" Michael roared, "and here you come along, the Healer, you take off your hood, and expect us all to bow to you?"

All eyes fell on William, and they could tell that he was angry, because his jaw tightened, and his eyes grew dark.

"I had to step in Michael, because you were not keeping up with your responsibilities! Like the fact that I called you in here today to discuss going hunting, something we should have done a week ago, the snow will fall and trap us indoors, and we will not have any meat for the winter!" William lashed out.

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