Gabriella N. Santos [A]

349 4 3

[Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!]

Fandom : 'The Crimson Plague'. The story is set in 2018 through several years (undecided until the story is finished), following a group of friends trying to survive what was thought to be the end of the world. An airborne disease that primarily attacks people with low immune systems leads to the deaths of over half the Earth's population when reanimated corpses of "the infected" feast on the living.

[Was it manmade? Or did it start as a common cold or spore, but evolved into something deadlier to cause reanimation of corpses?

What's the diseases name? Even if the professions haven't given it a 'scientific name'. The remaining people on earth may have their own name for it, even if it's something stupid like 'The Bleeds' because it causes the infected end up bleeding so much they suffocate themselves.

You've gotta think about the real long game here, let's say all the monsters decay out of existence, either due to no food or old age. What would the future human race call what happened in 2018? Think back to 1346 we had the beginnings of the Black Death. What will people 50 years from now call it?]

The disease slowly kills the person painfully, causing them to bleed from every hole in their head, and eventually leads to them choking and suffocating on their own blood.

[First thought was someone bleeding from their sweat glands... then I grew common-sense and figured you meant ears, nose, mouth, eyes. 

When they start bleeding is it a slow process? Slow, and even flow like the cut of a capillary? Or spurting out like you cut an artery? Is it constant non-stop bleeding them they start? Can it be slowed by putting a tissue up the nose and in the ears and so on? Does everyone die of suffocation? Do some die of blood loss? Is it a 50/50 chance, where you're lucky if you die of blood loss?

How would you do about curing someone? It seems to be something that affects the blood, maybe effects the bodies ability to clot the blood? Would a powerful dialysis machine clean the blood of the disease? You may be able to tell I really like science, but am horrible at it so most of that will be incorrect, but hey I can dream.]

The disease slows down the bodies decomposition and causes a chemical imbalance in the brain that leads to the body reanimating after death.

The only way someone can come back is if they die from the disease.

[Getting Walking Dead vibes, this reminds me of that theory about the walkers being like Komodo Dragons, it's pretty interesting.]

The disease is spread through saliva or blood of the infected coming into contact with any body part of someone who is not infected which makes things extremely hard for those trying to survive and requires special precautions to protect yourself.

[How does the blood get into the uninfected system? Does it really absorb through the skin that quickly? Maybe I'm being stupid but I don't see how the disease can infect another just through coming into contact with the skin.

If saliva/blood went onto broken skin/eyes/mouth, then yeh I can see that working to spread the disease. Perhaps the infected blood/saliva gains weak corrosive properties after they die, that if not cleaned can burn through the outer layers of the skin to get into the uninfected body?]

The story is pretty much my own ideas and zombie concepts (which have most likely been done before but that's to be expected). There are a few types of zombies, "Newbies" are the newly reanimated dead, easily figured out because of their ability to sprint at an almost inhuman speed.

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