Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!
Fandom: Original
-Set in the late 21st century, the story focuses on the apocalyptic age, (2021-2108) in which a zombie (Living humans fueled by rage. The fresher infected, the faster. The plague was airborne in the beginning, but 80% of humans were immune towards this strain) plague ravages the world, and its aftermath. A prequel to the book "The Last Berserker", the story aims to fill in the blanks of the apocalypse and its consequences.
[ Lovely. ]
Name: Unknown
Reason: Subject suffered major head trauma prior to the events taking place in the story, causing a high level state of amnesia, which left the subject with no recollection of the past world, and with only the most basic understanding of how to speak.
This state would later weaken, although the subject never learnt their true name.
Nickname: Leaf
Reason: Having been forced into the outside world after dwindling supplies, the subject met up with a man named "Wind". The man reported that he had changed his name to further distance himself from the person he once was.
When the subject told the man that they couldn't remember their name, Wind named them (In norwegian) Leaf, (a purposeful mistranslation of the norwegian word "Blad" meaning both "Leaf" and "Blade") due to the large amount of bladed weaponry the subject was carrying.
[ All good, nice reasoning. What did Leaf think of his new name?]
Age: awoke in the early 2020s, but the host's true age is unknown. (Likely early 2000s)
Gender: male
Sexuality: hetero
Species: human
Nationality: Norwegian
Looks: Leaf was 183cm tall
[ Give us a little hint at his weight. I can make an 'educated' guess that he could possibly be somewhere in the 61kg – 65kg range, putting him at the lower end of a healthy weight with a little crossover into underweight to account for the malnutrition.]
at the time of his awakening and carries brownish hair and bluegreen eyes. He rarely cares for his hair, resulting in a small beard growing on him during his adult years.
Him constantly being on the move and the low resources during the apocalypse left him looking slightly malnourished.
[ Lovely, lovely, lovely.]
Illness: Suffers from severe amnesia, which caused him to speak improperly for most of his life, as well as having two competing personalities controlling his body, these being Leaf himself and The Host. (See "Rivals")
Personality: Leaf was highly unpredictable in his early years of control, exhibiting signs of unempathy, wrath, impulsiveness and what an individual born into a pre-apocalypse world would assume to be signs of psycopathy.
[ Honestly, makes sense to me. If we think of 'young' Leaf as just being plonked into a world where he has no understanding of pre-existing rules, of cultures, of what is commonly seen as right and wrong, no prior experience with social interactions, and by extension probably not a whole lot of experience with emotion in general really.
RandomHello there! I offer, what I hope are insightful, helpful, and informative OC reviews within the following fandoms: Marvel, South Park, Doctor Who, and a few others. As I fall in and out of fandoms, the fandoms I am willing to review OCs from will c...