Damitri J. Jackson [F]

469 7 8

[Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!]

My character is an original; Is not apart of any fandoms.

[Righto, due to the lack of an overview, I'm going to assume this is set in the real world, in 2018.]

Full name: Damitri James Jackson

[I love the name Dimitri, the name Damitri... that 'a' instead of the 'i' is messing me up so much. I know how to say the name but because I see that 'a' it's coming out as 'damn-it-ree'. I wonder if I'm the only one who has that problem.

Although I really like James Jackson though, that's very swanky.]

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

[I don't know his frame, so he should weigh around 176 – 216 lbs.]

Age: 19

[Does he have a job?]

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Appearance: Waist length, black hair a(dyed, natural is dark brown,) very pale skin, usually is wearing black jeans, high black platform boots, and a redish-purple tank top.

[Aight, Manson, calm down lass. When and why did he dye his hair? Why is he so pale? When did he start dressing like that? What do others think of his appearance? Bet he gets some right looks from the older folk. Is he 6'3" with the platforms? Because if he ain't Jesus Lord, and he's 6'3" without the platforms, can you imagine him walking up to you in the dark? 2 spooky 4 me.]

He also has an upside down star on the side of his neck and another tattoo that is multiple line crossing on is left arm.

[When did he have them done? What do they mean? Currently, they seem to just have been added to make him appear 'badass' if you will, change my mind.]

Personality: He is a determined, loud guy who likes to be bossy.

[My hope for a paragraph personality just threw itself out the window, eh at least the three traits you gave me have potential.

Determined, okay. Why? Why is he determined? Is he trying to impress someone?

Loud guy. So, he'll be loud in volume I assume, probably has the loudest laugh in the room. I imagine he'd be over-opinionated, intimidating, {I mean obviously, he's a 6'3" ghost essentially.} It'd probably be very easy to see how he's feeling because his expressions would be bigger, louder almost.

Bossy, aight. So, does he like to be in control? Likes to be the leader even if he ain't. Is he always bossy? In a relationship being bossy can be the kiss of death.

You need to expand his personality. I can't help much we things further down the review because of the lack of personality.]

Hobbies: Singing/Screaming

[Screaming is hard to get right, and a bit risky to learn to be honest you gotta get the right tone and volume on your scream else you're going to hurt yourself, or at least that's what I remember from GCSE music. How long did it take for him to get his technique correct? Is his technique even right at his current age?]

and hanging out with his friends.

[That's dead boring, you can do better than that. He seems like he'll have a weird hobby, something you wouldn't expect him to be into, I don't know, something like embroidery or yoga. You can still keep 'hanging out with his friends' I just feel like he needs something else.]

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