Frederick Sonnen [A]

180 3 6

[Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!]

This is a story inspired by the World War II - Cold War era.

[Usually, I'd be put off by stories inspired by the historical wars, mainly because I had enough of that noise in history lessons, but with the sprinkle of Sci-fi aspects you've added in with the Irkans, you've got me intrigued. Either way, your ability to build a world is top tier.]

During a fierce war between two nations, Kurovsk and Alstereis, scientists from both sides competes with each other to create new military super weapons. However, when creating such powerful technology, one failed experiment is all it can take to bring to world to its end. After a leaked energy vessel exploded inside a laboratory in Alstereis, mysterious experimental creatures were released into the world. They were called, Irkans.

[I referred back to the other document you sent me for anything on how these creatures were actually created other than the vessel, and I found nothing... cause of spoilers. Ah it's a sad day.]

They are intelligent super weapons designed to annihilate threats, and when they first encounter a battle between humans in Kurovsk, they quickly added them to their defensive program as "HIGH THREAT".

[Are these a hybrid between creature and machine? In the other document, they seem more like man-made creature. Where they seem completely machine here. Either which way I like 'em. I noticed in the other document that they are able to learn and adapt are we ever going to see them attempt to communicate with the humans or vice vesa.]

Threats are to be annihilated; and that's exactly what they did. With their strength and intelligent, the Irkans quickly conquered countries after countries, annihilating threats after threats on their way.

[Rachni vibes, hell they even alike, with the same 'hobby' of conquering places which don't belong to them. What goals do the Irkans have? What are they trying to achieve and why? We know that humans are a high threat but to what? The Irkan? The Earth? Themselves, maybe the Irkans aren't bloodthirsty creatures, they're trying to save the humans from their selfs by ... killing them... That idea sounded better in my head.]

However, their biggest weakness was water, and the surviving humans with their lifeless machines have crossed the oceans to safety. And now, they are planning to counterattack.

[Get ya water balloons and super soakers lads, we're going to war.]

It is the Grand Court, where the last judgement will determine who will perish. It is the clash between creators and creations, and only one can continue to live on. The question is, who will stay and who will leave?

Name: Frederick Eugen von Westhofen (birth name)

Frederick Sonnen (current name)

[Where'd he come up with that name? Completely of the top of his head, a name he saw in passing or is 'Sonnen' the 'Smith' of this universe?]

Name Meaning: His parents were both admirers of the legendary knight, Sir Frederick Loewe von Rechtal, they named their son after him. His mother wanted him to grow up to be a charming young man, while his father wanted him to be a valorous and skilled warrior. (and Frederick failed to be neither of them, of cause...)

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