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Cyrus pov

I was walking lazily to my friends - I stayed up half the night studying for my big math test we have this semester. I sat with them- andi buffy and Jonah .

Things seemed to calm down after their recent not so breakup at the moon festival andis family held. "wow u don't look too good" buffy said then sipped her oj. I picked up my bagel and cut it in half."uuhhh" I groaned.

I pushed my plate to the side realizing I forgot my cream cheese. "here how bout some jelly?" andi tried to offer it but I shook my head. "thanks but nah I prefer the cheese" I whined.

"Hey guys" a familiar voice said. I looked up and my heart picked up pace - tj.

The captain of the basketball team, perfect jawline, cute eyes and oh why must I have feelings for this model of a man? "hi tj" I whispered as he sat next to me.

"whats the matter muffin" tj teased me. As I was about to respond I looked up and realized he was still looking at me - " I forgot my cream cheese for my bagel. my bagel is cheese less." I sighed.

He chuckled at my response and then moved his hand to his plate. "Hmm well I wonder what I'm gonna do with this second muffin then? I guess I should just toss it" he smirked at me. "No!" I yelled and then tj laughed some more. he placed the muffin on my plate - "a muffin for my muffin".

tjs POV

"A muffin for my muffin" I said then ruffled his hair - his eyes lit up and he came back to life. I didn't really care for the stare I was getting from buffy. andi and Jonah? talking about nonsense I could care less for.

My heart fluttered for this boy and yet weve only spoken a few times. I ate my muffin and realized buffy had not stopped staring at me.

"what?" I asked her. " may I have a word with you?" she asked me signaling outside to the benches.

" whatever u wanna say u can say it here buffy" andi Jonah and cyrus were all looking at us. the bell rang at the perfect time and I got up ruffling cyrus hair again walking to class.

I sped walked to put distance between us real fast. My heart was beating and I couldn't get cyrus out of my head.

(Later) I couldn't focus on the history lesson going on in front of me. I had an empty sheet of paper in front of me and strangely enough I started writing a note to cyrus.

Dear Cyrus, Your eyes are mesmerizing and I can never seem to stop staring. Your so sweet and kind and radiate sunshine and happiness wherever you go. I always want to be near you. My head is always so dizzy at the thought of you and I am always wanting to hug you. I want to be yours --- As I finished that sentence I folded the paper in shock at what I had written.

The deeper question that burned was - am i gay??

I hadnt had feelings for another boy since the 4th grade. But - its not like ive had feelings for girls anytime recently.

But, how do I go about this? I don't even know if cyrus likes boys I thought as I sat down alone at a table outside during lunch. I opened up the letter and read over it. Well, I could just send it as a secret admirer type thing I thought.

So, I continued the letter - but I cant seem to bring myself to tell you in person who I am yet. Just know every time I think of you - I just want to be yours. Signed, your secret admirer.

It was lunch so I quickly walked towards Cyrus locker knowing he would be in lunch . I quickly slipped it in the locker and turned to walk away. But, I was stopped in my tracks.

Andis POV

"tj"? I asked him. "did you just put something in cyrus locker?" I asked him.

He looked flustered and uneasy I thought. "just a note asking him for tutoring but I didn't put the note in there." he told me. "do u want to ask him? I'm sure he'll say yes." I said.

I could tell cyrus was crushing on tj so I decided to help him out to get him some more quality time with him.

"Well id be too embarrassed to ask in person do u think I could get his #? tj asked me as he played with the strap of his bookbag.

Something seemed off but I didn't want to push it. " Sure its 9541230000" I said as he typed in the numbers and he thanked me and walked off. "

"That was odd" I said aloud. "what was" I heard cyrus say as he came to stand next to me.

"well, I just gave tj your number cuz hes gonna text u about tutoring him but -" I paused. "but?" cyrus asked me.

" well it looked like he had already put something in your locker. " I guess well have to see" he smiled mischievously.

Cyrus POV

I opened my locker and indeed a note fell out. on the front of the folded paper it read cyrus . I was about to open it up but buffy walked over and I put it in my bookbag. "yea it was a note asking about tutoring" I lied.

"Why did I lie?" I asked myself in my head. "Andi are you sure u saw tj put that note in my locker?" I asked her quietly as buffy got a few things in my locker.

"well not really he was just standing there. So maybe I freaked him out and he didn't? why do u ask?" she whispered back. "Just wondering" I asked.

Bzz bzz
I looked at my phone.

Hey cyrus. do u think u could tutor me for math? its tj.

I didn't respond right away cuz I was thinking about the note I had half read. It couldn't be tj. no way.

I definitely have a thing for him but who knows maybe the secret admirer put the note in there this morning - right before tj got there. no way I could ask him straight forward. it couldn't be him.

(Later at Cyrus home) I looked at the note and read it over and over again.

Dear Cyrus, Your eyes are mesmerizing and I can never seem to stop staring. Your so sweet and kind and radiate sunshine and happiness wherever you go. I always want to be near you. My head is always so dizzy at the thought of you and I am always wanting to hug you. I want to be yours but I cant seem to bring myself to tell you in person who I am yet. Just know every time I think of you - I just want to be yours. Signed, your secret admirer.

The note was so simple yet it still made me all bubbly inside. I couldn't stop smiling so much.

I have a secret admirer! Plus I get to tutor TJ! Who cares if its not him? I still get to be around him!

My phone buzzed again and I saw it was tj. TJ: Hey so u gonna tutor me or? Oh shoot! I was so hung up on the note I forgot to reply .

Me: hey of course I'm sorry I got caught up with a few things - of course I will!

TJ: Awesome basketball season is over I'm free everyday until 5.

Me: That works ! Lets start tomorrow!

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