Chapter 4

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Andis POV

The next day I was sitting at lunch with Buffy Jonah And Cyrus. I still could not believe I was keeping Cyrus admirer from him and the fact his crush likes him back. But, I couldn't risk cyrus getting hurt because tj isn't fully accepting of himself yet.

"andi?" Jonah asked me and buffy and cyrus were staring at me."You ok ?" buffy asked. "yea I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine" I didn't even believe it myself. "no your not. andi your worrying us" cyrus said.

I looked at Jonah " do you remember that time when I got upset cuz you spoke to amber and you couldn't tell me what you guys spoke about?" I said picking at my food. "yea what's that got to do with this and how you feel?" Jonah asked me .

I looked at each person once making eye contact. " I spoke with someone last night, I have a huge secret I cant spill because its someone else's secret" I said. I wasn't too sure how they would feel. "its fine andi. confidentiality is great and keeping it is a great sign of being a good friend - unless its something horribly bad then you have to spill" Cyrus assured me.

"if you only knew Cyrus " I thought. I smiled at him and we went about our usual day.


I was going to sit with Cyrus, buffy, and andi today but after last night I needed to be away from them for a bit. I didn't want any awkward convos with andi while Cyrus was there.

The bell already rang signaling lunch was over then I heard the fire alarm go off. As I was walking out I ran into Cyrus by the benches." hey do you know what happened?" I asked him casually. Cyrus was frantic so I put my hand on his shoulder.

"hey underdog your ok - what happened?" I asked again. "fire in cafeteria- huge. I'm sorry I'm just not good with being pummeled while a bunch of kids run out of the school screaming" he said.

Cyrus finally looked at me still shaking. Before he responded the principal walked out with a blow horn.

" Students and faculty the school will be closed until further notice due to damage and carbon monoxide. We will send calls to homes once the school is back open. thank you" he said and left for his car.

I noticed my hand wasn't on Cyrus shaking shoulder anymore. My arm was wrapped around him and I pulled him into me - rubbing his arm trying to soothe him. I felt him trying to pull away.

Cyrus pov

I didn't think tj noticed as the announcement was happening that he pulled me into him. I think he was trying to soothe me; I tried to pull away from him but he tightened his grip.

"do you want to come hang with me at my house?" tj asked me as we started walking away from the school. "sure. I don't know why I'm still shaking - I'm usually ok by now" I replied.

"its fine. don't apologize muffin". "tj?" I asked him and I pulled apart from him looking up at him. " I'm not feeling too well" and everything around me started spinning.

I could feel tj take my book bag and place it down on the floor and he was slowly helping me take my jacket off but then as I tried calling for tj again everything went dark.


As I helped remove cyrus jacket I heard him start calling me again "T-" and he swayed and passed out. "Thank goodness I was standing behind you muffin" I thought after he fell in my arms.

I placed him on the floor slowly , picked up his bookbag, put it on, and then picked up cyrus. As I sped walked home I couldn't stop sneaking glances at him. His smooth skin, full black lashes, his sweet lips. The feel of his weight in my arms - light like a feather and my heart was flying right about now at the feel of him.

I made it to the door, ringed the doorbell, and my sister opened it. "Thanks laycee!" I said as I ran up to my bedroom and placed cyrus on my bed.

I went to my bathroom, got a towel, wet it, and put it on his forehead. I turned the ac to cool, went got a bottle of water, and placed it on my dresser.

My heart was beating so hard; I cradled his cheek with my palm, caressed his cheek, then I did it. I leaned down just taking in his fragile form laying in MY bed ! I placed my lips on his forehead and kissed him. I don't know what happened- It was like I was on autopilot. I kissed his forehead first - I took a minute then placed the towel back on his forehead, then kissed his cheek, and then his other cheek. I stood up, walked to my dresser, pulled out paper, and wrote Cyrus a note and left it on my dresser next to the water.

Then I walked out of the room. As I went down laycee was starting dinner; she may be two years younger than me but she cooked better than me. She had the same blonde hair that went up to her shoulders,had darker eyes than me,and she was on her schools soccer team.

"So, is that Cyrus?? HUH?" she bugged me. I was blushing already. Laycee is the only one who suspects i might be gay. I've never openly said it to her.  

"Yes, that is Cyrus" I said with a smile." so, does he like you?" she asked me. I explained the letters, the emails, the chats, and how cyrus does like me but he doesn't know I'm the secret admirer.

"OOOOh go bro. Tell him!" she bothered me. "No way not yet. " I told her as she chopped some carrots for some kind of stew shes making.

Cyrus POV

I woke up with a little bit of a headache and in someones room. I remembered, I was walking with tj and I was dizzy. I sat up slowly realizing there was a cold towel on my forehead. I looked around and saw a note

Cy, You passed out; I carried you to my house. Drink some water and relax. Ill be back up to check on you. -TJ

I picked up the water and drank some and as soon as I closed my eyes I heard the door creak open.

"Cyrus?" tj whispered. "Are you ok?" he asked me. It was dark in here minus the light coming from the hallway. It illuminated his details so well when I opened my eyes a bit. "Yea, I feel better" I replied. 

I took the compress from my head and placed it on my chest - I was still hot there despite the AC blowing really cold air into the room.

Tj walked in and sat at the edge of his bed. I sat up, felt exhausted and without thinking my head fell on his shoulder.

"Why does it feel so right to be here like this with him?" I thought. "TJ, how long was I passed out?" I asked. "Id say about fifteen minutes but at one point you woke up but just fell right to sleep" he said.

"I'm still tired " I yawned. "here drink more of your water" he twisted the top of the bottle cap off. I drank the whole bottle. "it must've been the panic from school." I whispered.

"well your with me now. your safe" tj turned his head and I looked up. "why do I feel safe with you?" I thought.

"I'm glad I'm with you" I said and smiled. I looked over tjs features but I could not stop staring at his lips. I looked away then back at tj. "dinners about to be ready. Maybe some food will help wake you up" tj told me.

 My heart was racing and for some reason I leaned in more and held onto his arm - snuggling my face into his forearm.

"Five minutes?" I asked. "for?" tj asked confused with a chuckle. I looked back up and I could picture myself leaning in and kissing his lips. But, I sat upright, shook my head, and said - "to wash my face". He pointed to the bathroom in his room. 

When I got in I turned on the light, closed the door, turned the faucet on and let the water run over my hands and washed my face with it.

I repeated a few more times. Then it dawned on me - "tj carried me to his house!" my face flew up with a shocked expression I saw reflected in the mirror. "OMG" I said. I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

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