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"Stop complaining, I get it that you're lonely, yet, you don't do a single thing to go out and get yourself someone." Jungkook rolled his eyes, shooting a slightly annoyed look over at his best friend, Min Yoongi.

"Anyone I meet will just want me for my money. You know that. Plus, I don't want all those whores crowding around me each time I try to go to a café or some shit." Yoongi explained for the thousandth time.

"Don't curse, Yoongs. Just because he's asleep doesn't mean he may not hear you." Jungkook shot a look over to the boy sleeping curled up on the couch. He badly wanted to just curl up with him and sleep the day away but, his friend was here, and he enjoyed the time he had with him- even if Yoongi's consistent complaining each time the subject of a relationship popped up drove him a little crazy.

"Well, then I dunno what to do for you, Yoongs." The younger boy furrowed his eyebrows and sat back down at the kitchen table, "What are you looking for? You're a soft guy so I'm assuming you have ultimately soft preferences?"

"I guess, I mean, I don't have a type. I just like cute guys who will let me cuddle them and spoil them and all that shit and giggly gay stuff."

"God you're a fucking sob story," Jungkook chuckled.

"Hippocrate. You just told me not to curse." Yoongi frowned.

"I was just messing with you. He's a really heavy sleeper." Jungkook stood back up to grab himself something to eat, offering something to Yoongi but the older declined, "Continue, though. Maybe I know someone who'd fit your ideals."

"That's really it, Kook. I just want him to have a nice personality- and, to like me for me. It doesn't seem like I've ever found anyone like that." Sadly, what Yoongi said is true. He's never been in a true relationship before. While he's only at the age of twenty-one, he feels like he'll never find someone, if not now. In school, he was the kid with the rich family- the kid everyone wanted to be friends with only because of his wealth. And, still to this day does that happen. Only, his few friends are those who've proved to not care for his money, so, he appreciates that greatly but it still doesn't fill that simple, lonely void.

"I may have something for you, Yoongi. But, it's a huge commitment." Jungkook returned to the table with a bowl of cereal.

Yoongi turned his eyebrows up in curiosity.

"Do you remember when I got Taehyung?" Jungkook wondered, a slight smile appearing on both of their lips at the thought of that.

"Yeah, he fucking bit a chunk out of my hand when I tried to brush something off your coat. How could I forget?" Yoongi rolled his eyes sarcastically. Though, he loved the boy in mention; Taehyung. He's a total sweetheart. But, very attached to Jungkook.

"Would you want to do that? You're basically committing your life to them- you've got to be prepared for that. But, it's rewarding. You've seen it. Fuck it, I'm the happiest guy alive because of Tae." Jungkook glanced over at his boyfriend who was still sound asleep on the couch.

"I don't know, Kook..." Yoongi bit his lip. He never really considered that before. But, he began thinking about how happy Jungkook and Taehyung are- how perfect they seem together. Yoongi envies that.

"I guess I never really asked you what it was like, did I?" Yoongi realized.

"No, you didn't." Jungkook motioned for Yoongi to stand up and follow him. So, the two shut themselves on the balcony and began to chat.

"It was quite easy, Yoongi. Each time you look at him, your heart will just melt. They get really attached, which you already know and-"

"I'll try it." Yoongi cut Jungkook off.

"I don't think you understand the commitment. Yoongi, you're dedicating you're whole life to them. Your time, money, love and affection, care-"

"I know, I know. I'm not saying for sure I'll do it. I just want to look into it. I just see how happy you and Tae are and you know, I want something like that. Like I told you earlier, I just want someone to cuddle and spoil. This is perfect."

"Yoongi~" Jungkook whined, "First of all, stop cutting me off. And second, do you even know what happens if you abandon them?"

"No... What?" Yoongi was now a little scared, seeing Jungkook's expression change.

"Like I mentioned before, they get really attached to you. So, when you leave them for good, they go into this pit of depression and they can ultimately end up dying from a broken heart."

"Holy shit. Really?"

"Yeah, now you see why I work from home?" Jungkook chuckled, "I don't like leaving him home alone, even though he is an adult. I don't want him to get lonely and... He's got a really active imagination so he's convinced himself multiple times that if I leave the house some times, I may not come back. So, I come home to find him crying in a corner, wrapped in a blanket. It's absolutely heart breaking."

Yoongi's heart hurt, hearing what would happen. They stayed silent for a minute before Yoongi spoke up, "I'm just gonna check it out... What's the website called again?"

"I went through a rescue- which is a good place to go through. It's https://findatiny.com/south-korea-rescue."

Yoongi typed the link into the notepad on his phone and saved it. He'd go on after he got home.

The door behind then slid open and they both turned to see a half-awake and messy-haired Taehyung standing in the doorway.

Jungkook stood up, "Good morning, sleepy head." The dark-haired boy kissed Taehyung's head, "Are you hungry?"

Taehyung hummed in response. His voice was deep and raspy due to the fact he'd just woken up.

Yoongi took this as an opportunity to leave. He didn't want to seem as if he was imposing, now.

He said goodbyes to the two boys and exited the apartment building. In his mind still ran everything that Jungkook told him.

The drive back to Yoongi's place was short. He felt anxious, almost- if that's the right word to use. Excited? No. Maybe a little nervous just to go onto a simple webite.

Yoongi dropped his things and sat down at his desk, pulling his computer open. He sat and tapped his finger against the mahogany wood as he waited for it to boot up.

Finally, the browser loaded and Yoongi typed in the link Jungkook told him to. It instantly brought him to a page with the giant words: "WELCOME" plastered atop the front page.

This was going to be an interesting next few hours, Yoongi could feel it.

A/N: Welcome back, nerds. I know this first chapter may have been a little confusing. So, if you're wondering what they were talking about, it all be explained in the next chapter and so on. I hope you enjoy!

- Kuiper

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