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Jimin and Yoongi were laying on the couch, him leaned in to Jimin's side and the older's arm around his shoulders. They got Haru to fall asleep just a little bit ago. They'd been discussing the idea of moving and they both think it's a good idea. It's the safest option and just about time that they do so anyway. 

"I kinda like this one," Jimin said, clicking on one of the house listings. The house was primarily white, laced with blue, and had a light yellow front door. It's definitely something that Jimin would like. They've looked at a few houses in the last couple of weeks but nothing really sparked their interest. 

Looking at house listings has become a nightly routine for the two. Jimin had a pretty bad breakdown earlier- because of the voices, of course. But that went by quickly. It's been covered up by this new pasttime.

"What do you think?" Jimin said, turning his head up a little to see Yoongi's face.

"Does it say if it's by a school?" Yoongi wondered. They'd have to live near an elementary school, at the very least, so that Haru could go there when he got older. Yoongi's fingers laced themselves through Jimin's hair while he watched Jimin scroll through the info page. 

"Mhm, it's about two miles away from where the house is. That's not bad. Oh- Yoongi look! It's got the attic space thing that I was talking about. The kind with the slanted roof!" Jimin said excitedly, pulling up one of the images. Jimin used to fantasize about having a room or something of the sort that had a slanted roof. 

Yoongi just smiled. 

"Do you wanna go see it?" The older wondered. Jimin chewed on his lip for a moment before nodding. 

"If you want to." He replied.

"It can't hurt to go look at it. I think it'll work for the three of us, yeah?" Yoongi chuckled softly.


A/N: Sorry I ended this chapter early but I just needed to give you guys some kind of content. My days been ughhhhh and this story is going downhill- sorry. Hope you're still liking this book, though.

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