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In the last week, something inside Jimin had changed drastically. And, it wasn't in a bad way. His confidence level had boosted immensely. He couldn't understand why this had happened but he greatly embraced it.

Right now, he was walking around town, looking through random shops and stuff. Yoongi was out of town for the day with his mom. They'd revealed that Jimin was pregnant just a few days ago and let's just say that there were many mixed signals from both his father and mother. His mom was very excited but a little confused. She figured that Jimin was a trans male before Yoongi explained to her that's he's a Tiny.

His father, on the other hand, just stood up and left the room without saying a single word.

"What do you want for lunch, hm?" Jimin muttered, speaking to the baby, "What are you in the mood for?"

Jimin tapped his fingers absentmindedly against his tummy and hummed to himself, "If you get really picky again today we'll have to go home and I don't wanna go home."

Jimin smiled, feeling the baby move around. He and Yoongi still didn't know the gender. They didn't want to know just yet. But, Jimin had a feeling Yoongi would break and ask what the gender is before they're born.

Though, Jimin thinks it's a boy. It's just something in the way they kick and move around makes Jimin want to think it's a boy.

"You know, I could really go for a nap right now. You're killing my back and bladder." Jimin laughed softly and turned around.

Only, he shouldn't have turned around.


Jimin couldn't understand what had happened until the pain began to set in. He was already dizzy with the initial pain of the first blow to feel or understand anything else.

The men had surrounded him so suddenly. Jimin tried to fight them off but it was no use. After the first man hit him just above his right eye, he was out.

Now, he lay on the ground, panting and unable to move. His eye was swollen shut but he could feel the blood from the cut slowly trickling down his face. He moved his leg slightly and a shooting, horrible pain coursed through his veins. His stomach- they'd done something to it but he couldn't see what.

He reached down and pulled up his shirt, forcing his neck down. Blood. Blood everywhere. He felt around and almost puked when his fingers felt the wound.

It was deep; very deep.

Jimin heard the gasps of a man and woman and looked up to see them running towards him. The woman knelt down and screamed for the man to call 911.

Within minutes, Jimin was loaded into the back of a vehicle and stuck with all different needles and gauze all over his body. He couldn't feel anything anymore. Not even the movement of his own baby which he could normally feel moving around almost 24/7. Right now, there was absolutely nothing.

Please let him be okay, please. Jimin begged silently right before everything in his body gave up and shut down.


"Oh, thank goodness." Was all Jimin heard before being engulfed in a tight hug by a sobbing Yoongi. It took a moment for Jimin's brain to catch up with things and when they did, it caused him to cry out in pain, pushing Yoongi off of him hurridely.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" Yoongi said, panicked. Jimin rubbed his eyes and looked around. His eye hurt like a bitch.

"It's... It's okay. What happened?"

"I don't even know. I just got a call saying you were in the hospital and so I rushed here and see you unconscious with a swollen eye and stab wound!"

Jimin's eyes shot open, "Is he okay?"


"The baby- are they okay?" Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, he's okay- wait, how'd you know it was a boy?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Just figured. How about you?"

"Doctor told me."

"Oh," Jimin placed his hands on his belly, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Do you remember anything? The man and woman that found you had been in the waiting room until I got here. They said they found you on the ground in the middle of an alleyway." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand tightly.

"Just- Just some guys. They jumped out of this car and just started grabbing me." Jimin's voice began to shake, thinking back on the event, "It was so scary, Yoongi. I- I couldn't breathe. It hurt so bad. I thought we were gonna loose the baby and-"

"Shh, shh," Yoongi cooed, trying to comfort his boyfriend who had begun to hyperventilate. Jimin forced himself to sit up and grabbed onto Yoongi, needing the feeling of being close to him.

"You're okay, our baby is okay." Yoongi held Jimin close, being mindful now of his wounds. He let Jimin just cry and cry for how ever long he needed to.

"You're going to have to talk to the police, though, baby. But don't worry, I know what you're going to say. I promise I'll do all the talking for you if you want. I'll be right there with you the whole time." Yoongi never loosened his grip on Jimin. He never wanted to let go of him again. You can't even imagine the state of panic Yoongi was sent into once hearing what happened to Jimin.

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gone to my mom's. I knew letting you go out all alone was a mistske. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," Yoongi cried, "I'm sorry I broke my promise. I didn't keep you safe."

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