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Months after months have passed. Slowly, Jimin and Yoongi managed to grow closer than they had been before. Eventually, the two sat down to discuss the fact that Jimin was a Little. Much like Taehyung proposed, Jimin didn't know there was a name for it. He just knew it was habitual- normal to him.

Knowing Yoongi, he went full daddy-mode. At least, that's what Jungkook calls it. It's classified as when one called the "caregiver" (male) clicks into the said headspace. [He] then proceeds to act and treat their Little like they're [his] own baby.

Yoongi took Jimin shopping, allowing him to buy everything he wants. Yoongi was meaning to do this for a while, just buying him things gradually until now. The apartment still didn't feel super home-y to Jimin and Yoongi could sense that.

Jimin was hesitant at first, but soon got into the hang of it. He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of affection from Yoongi while on their little spree.

Shortly after they arrived home from their day out, the apartment was decorated with Jimin's own touch on things.

Now it felt more like home.

Jimin could barely contain himself, feeling as emotional as he did. He'd never felt so safe and loved as he did, then. Sure, he has before while in Yoongi's arms, being cuddled and comforted, but never as much as right now.

He knew that this was permanent. He found his person: Yoongi. And Yoongi had found his: Jimin. And nothing was going to change that.


"Yoongi! Yoongi!" Jimin squealed, peeling around the corner and sliding across the wood floors on his socks. Yoongi turned his head to the side and slightly opened his eyes. He'd just wanted to sleep in a little longer today.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked, his voice rough and raspy.

"I'm finally at five feet!" Jimin cheered and grinned happily, climbing into bed with Yoongi and sliding his way between his arms.

Yoongi smiled with his eyes half-open, kissing Jimin's head, "That's great, hunny. You're so close." The older chuckled and closed his eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep. But, Jimin had other plans.

"Ah, no, time to wake up, Yoonie." Jimin said and wiggled his way out of Yoongi's grasp, "Let's go see Taehyungie and Jungkookie. Or Hoseokie! I wanna see my nephew."

"We can do that, if you want." Yoongi said and rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes.

"I wanna see Beomgyu~" Jimin sang. Beomgyu is the name of Jimin's nephew, Hoseok's son who was born almost six months ago. Oh, how time flys by so fast.

Next month would mark a whole yesr since Yoongi and Jimin have been together. The weather turned cold, once again. The leaves littered the ground, and a sheen of ice covered all water outdoors.

Yoongi slid out of bed and walked over to Jimin who was in the kitchen. He picked him up and sat him on the counter; Jimin's legs wrapping around his waist. Their lips connected for a few moments before they broke away and Jimin handed Yoongi a bowl of cereal, jumping down from the counter.

"Thank you," Yoongi smiled a bit and sat down at the table. He mindlessly began to eat, eyes staring off into space. Jimin stood behind Yoongi and played with his boyfriend's messy hair. If he's being honest, Jimin likes it when Yoongi leaves his hair fluffy and messy. The style fits Jimin's ideals.

Yoongi quickly finished his breakfast and threw on some clothing. Jimin shot a text to Hoseok, making sure it was okay if they swung by. His house was quite the distance away so the two figured they'd be out all day.

Once in the car, Jimin turned up the heaters and pulled out his camera. The way the dark, cloudy sky casted shadows across the ground- the way the light reflected onto Yoongi's face- It was beautiful. Jimin wanted to be able to keep this image forever. So, he snapped a few pictures; one candid, and two with Yoongi smiling.

Jimin's perky ears twitched as he watched the boy, entranced by his natural beauty.

"You're beautiful, Yoongi." Jimin said, not removing his gaze.

Yoongi didn't answer but shied away bashfully and chuckled.

"No, you."

"Don't fight me, Min. I'm part cat and can fuck you up in about .6 seconds." Jimin dead-panned. Yoongi thought he was joking, but the look on Jimin's face said otherwise.

Jimin broke his glare and laughed, "I'm just kidding, Yoonie. You know I'd never hurt you."

"I know," Yoongi smiled and came to a stop at the red light. He reached over and ruffled Jimin's hair, taking a moment to scratch behind Jimin's ear. A low purr escaped his lips and he closed his eyes, leaning into Yoongi's hand.

The light turned green and they began driving again. Jimin pouted but got over it. He wished that Yoongi had bench seats in his car. He just wants to cuddle.


"Beomie!" Jimin cheered, causing the little boy to giggle loudly, slobbering all over his fist as he babbled about.

Yoongi just sat back and watched Jimin interact with the baby. Hoseok's wife handed the baby over and the two began to do their own thing. She headed off to the kitchen to cook up some lunch for every one and Hoseok took a seat next to Yoongi.

"I see Jimin's ears are developing." Hoseok noted. By this, he meant that Jimin's once fluffy and adorable cat-like ears atop his head were finally changing into the human ears they were meant to be. If Yoongi is being honest, he's sad they're going away. He loves the adorable feature.

"Yeah," Yoongi nodded, staring off into space, but still keeping his boyfriend and his nephew in view.

He began to wonder what it would be like if he and Jimin had a baby. Would they adopt? Or get a surrogate? Who would be the donor- if they did use a surrogate. Who would it be-? Yoongi shook his head, getting too deep into thought. Though, the image of Jimin cooing at their own little baby stuck with him and began to melt his heart.

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