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Yoongi softly stared down at the tiny boy laying asleep in his arms. Jimin was curled up around his small, blue blanket and face pressed up against Yoongi. The older boy had never felt this strong of a love for anyone before. His heart pounded just from knowing Jimin had really chosen him, and for the rest of their lives.

"You're mine, Yoonie. Okay? Nobody else can ever have my Yoonie." Jimin said, holding tight to Yoongi's neck, "Promise?"

"Forever, Jiminie. I promise."

Yoongi ran his fingers through Jimin's hair, causing him to stir but he purred contentedly and continued to sleep. He flipped the channel, becoming bored with the show playing. The brunet hadn't been sleeping well, lately. He didn't understand why, though. He usually never has trouble with it.

But, he thinks it's caused by Jimin. He loves Jimin to death but is getting worried about him. Yoongi tries to talk to him about it but Jimin just dismisses the subject. He's thinking mostly of the times when Jimin is hit with sudden "migraines" or when he receeds to his bed and hides under the covers for an hour.

Yoongi has looked it up and all but there is only so much Google can tell you.

He pulled out his phone and opened the thread for Jiyeon. They hadn't talked in a while.

ME: Hey, Ji, I had a quick question. I hope I'm not disturbing you. But, do you possibly know anything about these "migraines" Jimin has? They only seen to last a few seconds but when I try to ask him about it, he blows me off. Is there anything you know, or I can do about it?


Message Sent!

Yoongi looked back down at Jimin. He looked so peaceful and innocent. Well, he always looked innocent. The way his eyes always sparkled no matter what, and how he would squeal in surprise at butterflies just gave off this aura of innocece that Yoongi loved.

JIYEON: Hey, Yoongi. Are you able to talk on the phone real quick? Without Jimin hearing?

ME: Yeah, give me a second. I'll put him into bed, then I can talk.

JIYEON: Kaykay

Yoongi stood up slowly, making sure not to disturb Jimin's sleep. He laid Jimin down in his small bed and covered him with the heavy blankets to keep him warm. He knelt down and kissed his head before retreating back into the kitchen.

He dialed Jiyeon's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Yoongi."

"Hey, Ji. What's up? Should I be worried about what's going on with him?"

"Not worried, necessarily. Jiminie has... Well there's no other way to say it than schitzophrenia. Jimin has schitzophrenia. Which basically means he hears voices, on occasion. It's a bit of a tame case. You may have noticed that he doubts himself, or has nightmares quite often. It's just a side-effect. It's nothing to worry about as long as it's kept under control. Your best choice is to talk to him about it. Tell him you know. Make sure he knows that the things the 'voices' are telling him, aren't true. I'm sorry I didn't tell you back when you came to get him. I guess it kind of slipped my mind at the time."

"Thank you, for telling me. I'll talk to him in the morning. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Remember, he's sensitive. So, your best option would be to just comfort him when the voices come back, or when he has a nightmare. Make sure he feels safe. That's top priority when it comes to him. He's been in multiple bad homes so, at this point, the things going on up in his head are probably worse than before."

"Don't worry, I already try to make him feel that way. I'll keep those other things in mind. Thank you, Ji." Yoongi leaned on the counter.

"Of course, Yoongi. Text me or call me if you have any other questions or concerns."

"Mmkay, I will. Bye, Ji."

"Bye, Yoongi."

She ended the call and Yoongi went around to turn off all the lights. Now he knows... And it didn't come as much of a shock to him as he thought it would. A small part of him actually thought that Jimin may have that, but another part of him said no. Now he knows he was right. And, this only made his heart hurt for the boy even more.

He can't imagine what it must be like for Jimin to have to deal with this every day- even if it is a mild case.

Yoongi shut the bedroom door and walked over to where Jimin lay. He picked him up and carried him over to the bed, "I promise I'll protect you from those voices, Jiminie." He whispered softly, laying Jimin down on his chest. Jimin's fists curled around Yoongi's shirt, holding it tight.

"I love you, Yoongi." Jimin mumbled tiredly but said it in such a way that it made Yoongi's head hot. Jimin nor he had said it before. It was a known fact, but has never been said aloud to each other.

"I love you, too, Jiminie." Yoongi whispered back and kissed his head again. He soon found his eyes drooping. For once in the last week, he'd be getting a decent night of sleep.

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