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Yoongi stood at Jungkook's door, semi-anxiously tapping his foot on the front mat.

"Hey, Yoongs." Jungkook beamed as he answered the door. Though, his expression soon changed, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just had kind of an awkward question." Yoongi scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, okay?" Jungkook laughed a bit nervously and let Yoongi in. Taehyung was out with a friend currently so it was just Yoongi and Jungkook in the house alone.

"Fire it at me." The younger male said and sat down on the couch.

"Do you know if anywhere we could go to see if Jimin's the same as Taehyung? If you get what I mean. I just want to be safe and it's better to know than not." Yoongi explained, slightly batting around a few select words and phrases.

"Oh, I see. Yeah, I could give you the number to the doctor Tae and I go to for the baby. I'm sure there's someone there who could run a few tests and see of Jimin's got the mutation." Jungkook pulled out his phone from his back pocket.

"Okay, thank you. It's just been following me around. Jimin gets really fucking horny sometimes- I mean, I know it's natural because of all his hormones and stuff trying to balance themselves out right now- and he wants to go further but I'm too afraid to before knowing if he's got the mutation or not. I know that almost 4% of the Tiny population have the mutation and it's going away but I want to be safe."

"I see. I'll text you their number right now. There open 7 days a week so you'll get in any time. Though, they're open shorter on Sundays."

"Thanks. But, anyways, anything new with the baby? Has Tae wanted to know the gender yet?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow, trying to change the conversation topic.

"Surprisingly, no. He's got a strong feeling it's a girl so he won't be wrong either way. His morning sickness is beginning to go away, thank god. I hate seeing him in so much pain like that." A frown appeared on Jungkook's lips, "But other than that, things are looking good. We've got a little under five months to go. Ah, His belly is so cute. It's a weird thing to say but it's cute. Just knowing he's carrying our little baby in there makes me feel all warm and happy inside."

"Aw," Yoongi cooed and his eyes softened.

"Though, he's getting moody. Or- mood swings I should say. One moment we're cuddling on the couch and he's giggling and stuff and then the next minute he's crying. I hate seeing him cry, as you know. And he's been clingier than usual. It's not a bad thing, most of the time. He does fine while we are at work but when we're home, he never wants to leave my side."

Yoongi laughed.

"Oh- Let me tell you this funny story. Okay, so the other day, Tae was in little space which he hasn't been in since he found out he was pregnant. And the baby kicked and he freaked the fuck out. He was so scared and confused but it was kinda funny. I had to basically explain to him what was going on. He was really embarrassed when he woke up from his nap, back in big space." Jungkook laughed again.

"Have you guys been thinking of names?"

"We have but nothing is for sure yet. I personally really like one name but I'm not going to bring it up for a while. I know he'll go for the name, too. I just like when we talk about name ideas-" Jungkook sneezed, "Side tracking, I'm curious as to what you'd do it Jimin does have the mutation."

Yoongi shrugged, "I don't know. Be and I have only been together for a year and I don't think we are ready for a baby. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a baby with Jimin but he's only twenty years old, and I'm twenty-two."

"Tae's twenty-one, I'm twenty-two."

"I know. But you guys have been together for like 50 billion years. You guys are... I don't know how to explain it. I guess Jimin and I will just see when that day comes. It's no use to think about it if he's literally got about a 3% chance of having the mutation."

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