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"It's a girl!" Yoongi cheered excitedly. Jungkook smiled widely, watching his best friend jump around. Taehyung and Jimin didn't want to know the gender yet, but Jungkook did, so he found out alone and needed to tell someone so he went right to Yoongi.

"Mhm, I can't wait to be a dad, Yoongi." Jungkook said with almost teary eyes.

"I'm excited for you. I'm excited to be an uncle. I'm gonna spoil the shit out of her. Jimin has begun to limit the things I do and buy for him, so I need someone who can't talk." Yoongi chuckled.

"I can't wait for Tae's reaction. He says he doesn't want to know until she's born but he's gonna break in the next few days, I know it. He's hoping for a girl, anyways."

"Do you know if she'll be part Tiny, too?" Yoongi wondered.

"Not sure. Doctor said they can't tell yet but it's a fifty-fifty chance that she will be or won't be. I kinda hope she will be part Tiny cause I remember Tae's little ears and his tail- ah, they were adorable."

"Can't deny that. I wish Jimin still had his ears and tail. I loved his habit on wrapping his tail around me when he felt scared or something. It was so cute."

Jungkook wipped his eyes with his sleeve, bringing attention to the fact that he'd begun to cry.

"Aw, Kooks, you okay?"

"Yeah- Sorry. I'm just dealing with a lot of mixed emotions. I mean, I'm thrilled that Tae and I are having a baby, and I can't wait, but I'm so scared. What if we do a bad job? What if she doesn't like me?"

"First of all, being afraid that your baby won't like you is stupid. You're her dad! She'll love you so much No matter what. And, you two will be great parents. Don't be afraid." Yoongi patted Jungkook's back.

"I guess you're right." Jungkook checked his phone, "Tae and Jimin are back. Text me after your parents leave and tell me how it went."

"I will," Yoongi promised and made a mental note to himself.

Taehyung and Jimin arrived back from their lunch, greeting their boyfriends with beaming smiles and loving kisses. Jimin clung tight to Yoongi as they walked back to their car. He felt anxious being away from Yoongi for so long and was glad he was back.

"TaeTae is so excited to have their baby! Mostly because he hates morning sickness and the cravings and back pain but that's besides the point. I'm excited to meet the baby, too." Jimin said, getting into the passenger seat.

"Kook's excited, too, but he's so scared, Jimin. I feel bad. He's afraid that their baby won't like him."

"That's ridiculous! Taehyung used to think so but he and that baby have telepathy already or something." Jimin leaned his head over onto Yoongi's shoulder. His fingers tapped random designs on Yoongi's thigh absentmindedly.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked and took one hand off the wheel to wrap around Jimin.

"Yeah. Just need cuddles, that's all." Jimin forced a weak but convincing smile. Yoongi hummed and kissed his head, returning his other hand to the wheel.

"Let's take a hot bath when we get home, hm?" Yoongi suggested. He wasn't implying anything sexual. He purely wanted to take a bath with Jimin as a bit of a "romantic bonding."


Yoongi shrugged, "I just want to, if that's okay. We've never done that before." 

"We can still cuddle, right? I feel deprived and in a clingy mood. A hot shower would be a nice place to cuddle." Jimin said and smiled shyly.

"I agree."

The two boys arrived back at their retro-themed apartment and headed to their backroom. Yoongi started the water and added bubble bath fir two reasons. One, Jimin might he a bit embarrassed at first. And two, when he's in little space he really likes bubble baths.

"Don' look." Jimin mumbled, having Yoongi turn around as he got undressed. Jimin slipped into the hot water and was joined moments later by Yoongi. The younger clung to him almost immedietly. Yoongi closed the shower curtain and leaned back against the tub. The water from the showerhead rained down on them, keeping the tub continuously full but draining out at the fill line.

Jimin laid his head against Yoongi's bare chest and closed his eyes.

"I love you." Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi, in response, kissed Jimin's lips softly. Jimin knows what he meant by it.

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now