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"Hey, Jiminie, baby wake up." Yoongi said sweetly, trying to wake Jimin up in the nicest way he could.

The twenty-year-old's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the sight of Yoongi. He reached out for a kiss.

"Let's go shopping for the baby today." Yoongi suggested. He's been wanting to do this for a while but wanted to wait until Jimin's morning sickness wasn't as bad. For a whole month his "morning sickness" lasted all day.

"Sounds fun. Ten minutes of cuddling first, then we can go." Jimin said and rolled onto his side, "Enjoy this cause we won't be able to cuddle face to face much longer."

"Mm, okay." Yoongi hummed and laid down next to Jimin, taking him into his arms.

Jimin jumped, startled by something. Yoongi looked at him, confused.

"They're kicking!" Jimin squealed and rolled into his back. He grabbed Yoongi's hand and placed it over a spot on his belly. The baby kicked a few more times and then stopped.

"I wanna try something," Jimin muttered, "Talk to them. I wanna see what happens."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow but began talking to the tiny life form inside his boyfriend.

"Hey baby," Yoongi spoke, "it's your other dad. I don't really know what to say, um, your daddy just wanted me to talk to you."

The baby began kicking at the sound of Yoongi's voice but stopped when he quit talking.

"Do it again." Jimin asked.

"So, you're kicking when I talk, huh?"

The baby began kicking again, and then stopped. Jimin's hypothesis was correct. He giggled and pulled Yoongi back up to eye level.

"I love you so much." Jimin said and laced his fingers through Yoongi's hair, "To be honest I'm a little afraid to go into a store. It's been so long since I've been into a public place."

It's been about two months since Jimin last stepped foot into a public area. He usually just waited in the car or didn't go at all. He was just afraid of the stares. Taehyung had no problem about going into public when he was pregnant with Mari but Jimin's got his own forms of fear. They mix around with his anxiety, SM, and and schitzophrenia (which has been getting worse as his due date grows near). Only four more months until their baby is here.

"I know, sweetheart." Yoongi frowned a little and stroked his boyfriend's cheeks. He sighed and trailed his hand down Jimin's waist, "I miss going shopping with you," Yoongi sighed, "what if I gave you one of my oversized hoodies, a facemask, and some glasses. You could keep the hood up. I just want you to be there."

"I-I want to be there, too. I'll try. I promise. Can I have the black one with the rose on the back?"

"Sure." Yoongi pecked Jimin's lips and nose. He rolled off the bed and to their shared closet. He grabbed the sweatshirt Jimin requested and brought it to him. The younger stripped off his long sleeve shirt, revealing the small baby bump. Yoongi's heart softened at the sight, just knowing that's their baby in there. He never imagined that he'd have a baby that was both his and his spouse's. Before he met Jimin, his mind was set on just any regular guy. But, he found Jimin, a not-so-regular guy but amazing nonetheless.

Yoongi had become the type of soft where you don't want to let go of the thing that's making you soft. He and Jimin were now back under the covers, wrapped around each other. It was warm, cozy, ans neither of them wanted to move. Especially Jimin.

It wasn't until a few hours later that they decided to get up and go out. Their cuddling session had lulled them both to sleep in no time.

"Are we just going to the place down the road?" Jimin wondered and leaned down to pick up his shoes. Even this simple task had become a winding feat because of the baby. But Jimin didn't mind in the least.

"If that's where you want to go, we can. I think as long as anywhere has stuff for a baby, we're okay." Yoongi chuckled and grabbed his car keys off of the hook next to the front door.

Jimin didn't reply but was too focused on trying to put his shoes on. He usually walks barefoot nowadays so he hasn't worn his shoes in probably a month. He found it a little frustrating, now that the baby had grown a bit larger. He had to move his body in such a way that his legs could come up to where he could reach his feet without them pressing into his stomach.

After managing to put them on, the out of breath boy walked out of his shared bedroom and into the kitchen. He didn't care to even attempt at tying his shoelaces. Yoongi would do it for him.

"Thank you," Yoongi said and scratchrd behind Jimin's ear; that special spot that makes him purr and shiver. Jimin's head ticked to the side a little and he made a low, rumbling sound in satisfaction.

"For what?" The younger wondered, sitting up on the counter.

"For coming out with me. I know you're anxious," Yoongi kneeled down to tie Jimin's shoes, "so remember to tell me if you don't feel well or you need a break. If you feel uncomfortable, we can buy what we have and then head home. Okay? Don't force yourself."

Jimin sniffled and Yoongi stood up quickly, "Hey, no no. Why are you crying?" He brushed the hair out of Jimin's face- who was refusing to make eye contact with him. The pregnancy has been making Jimin's emotions weaker than they already are.

"I don't know," Jimin muttered and was pulled into a warm, soft embrace. He leaned his forehead onto Yoongi's shoulder and forced himself to concentrate on Yoongi and nothing else, "I'm just sorry that I am this way. I'm sorry for having weak emotional control and-"

Yoongi cut the boy off by placing his thumb over Jimin's lips, "Don't apologize for anything. You're okay. Now, come on, let's head out. We'll get your mind off of whatever's bothering you."

Jimin sniffled again and held Yoongi's hand nervously as they stepped out of the large apartment and into the walkway.

You'll be fine, Jimin told himself and bit his tongue, do it for Yoongi. Your baby won't want a cowardly and broken father.

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