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"So, did you get anything back from the rescue?" Jungkook wondered, clicking from his home screen to the app so he could see Yoongi's face.


"You did!?" Jungkook screeched excitedly.

"Babe- are you okay?" Yoongi could hear Taehyung call from a distance through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll explain in a bit." Jungkook called back to Taehyung then directed his attention at his bestfriend, "What's he like? Do you like him? How many results did you get?"

"Slow down there, Kook." Yoongi chuckled, "I got just one. His name is Jimin. I guess he's been returned multiple times for no reason." Yoongi frowned, "He's been kept as a pet before so they say he's kind of a sad little guy- and hesitant towards new people."

"Get him-"

"-Jungkook, wait a second. I've got to think about this. I mean, I'll have him for the rest of our lives- immedietly binding myself to him because I know for a fact I'll probably fall in love with him the moment I see him-"

"Exactly! Yoongi, their goal is to pair Tinys up with people they think are perfect. I waited a year and a half to get TaeTae and you see how it turned out. Plus, they provide you with the essential things already. Like, clothing and a bed for them while they're still growing. You can have Tae's old stuff, if you want, too."

"Thank you," Yoongi's sentence trailed off, "But, what if he doesn't like me?"

"Like you said, he's been returned a few times so he's going to be hesitant but you're a loving guy- he'll like you." Jungkook assured, "I thought the same about Taehyung."

"Yeah, but you two are like soul mates."

"Then who's to say it won't be like that with you and your Tiny?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow, "Have you replied to them yet?"



"Jesus, Jungkook, chill out-" Yoongi began to say but was cut off again.

"They take it as a bad sign if you don't reply soon."


"Go. Go do that now and then call me back, okay?" Jungkook said and ended the call abruptly.

Yoongi sat his phone down and lumbered over to his computer that was still on and open to the email.


Hi, there, I am interested in the Tiny you sent me: Jimin. Do you have a picture of him, possibly? It didn't show one on his page. I hope you don't mind my exsessive donation- I just felt like the rescue needed it.

I'll attach a photo of myself below, as well. Any other info about him would be appreciated.

Thank you,

- Yoongi

- Yoongi

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Yoongi sat and refreshed the page for about an hour. He found himself growing to really like this idea of having a Tiny.

Just as he was about to get up from his computer and call Jungkook back, his notification dinged and there sat a new email from the rescue.


Thank you for the reply, and for the donation. We truly appreciate your contribution. You're a very generous man.

As for Jimin, I don't think there's much else to tell about him. He's really sweet- just shy. And, still about a foot tall. Keeping him close to you for most of the growing process will really bode well for your relationship. Just from what I saw on your profile, I think he'll like you, really. It's been a while since he's found someone he likes, it's actually been a few years. No body likes to take chances on the Tinys that have been returned because they think he's got a problem. Really, he's just unlucky. He ends up in the wrong homes.

We will send an evaluator over, if you're considering Jimin. It will probably be me. I do most of the evaluations. So, just tell me a good time for me to come and I'll meet you at your home. Though, it may take me a while since I'm still all the way in Busan.

Also, I don't have a picture of him. He's really shy. I hope that isn't a problem.

- Jiyeon


Yoongi read through and quickly replied.


Jiyeon, that isn't a problem, don't worry. You can come anytime that works for you. I'm available any time.

- Yoongi


There wasn't an immediate reply but that was okay. Now that Yoongi was getting more into this, he needed to call Jungkook back.

He had a lot of questions. Yoongi grabbed a notebook and pen, wanting to write some of this down. He can't trust his memory at a time like this.

"Did you email them back?" Jungkook said the moment he answered the call.

"Yeah, we're already going to set up for her to come down and do a personal evaluation." Yoongi leaned on his arm, laying sprawled out on his bed.

"So, I take that as you're really considering?"

"After hearing about this little guy- I mean, yeah. His story just makes my heart ache. He's been there for a long time because he always ends up in the wrong home and nobody will take chances on the ones who've been returned a bunch of times."

"Aww, Yoongi!" Jungkook squealed, kicking his legs up and down, "Taehyung is really excited. He won't stop asking about what you're gonna decide."

"Hold on-" Yoongi's computer dinged, "I got another email." Yoongi sat and went over to his computer.

"Read it out loud. I wanna know what she said, too." Jungkook requested. Yoongi proped his phone up against some books and opened the email.

"I will be able to come down at around three p.m on Saturday. Does that work for you? Also, I managed to get a picture of Jimin. I was telling him about you and his ears started twitching (that means he feels happy/excited) so things are looking good for you. I also showed him your picture so he knows what you look like." Yoongi couldn't help but smile. Jungkook made another loud, squealing sound in response to what the lady said.

"It seems like he already likes you!"

When Yoongi didn't answer, Jungkook called his name a few times, breaking Yoongi away from his screen.

"You okay, Yongo Bongo?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Jungkook, he's so fucking adorable."

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now