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"They're gonna be here in ten minutes." Yoongi stated about his parent's ETA. His palms were sweating terribly and his pupils were dialated more than they should be.

"Honey, calm down." Jimin chuckled and placed his hands on either side of Yoongi's waist. He looked up into his eyes, "I'm sure that everything will go fine. They'll be here for a few hours and then they'll go to sleep, wake up, and leave."

"I know, th-"

Jimin shut him up with a kiss, "Chill out, baby."

Yoongi decided to change the subject, "You haven't gone into little space in a long time, I've noticed. Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I think I'm growing out of that. I used to, I guess, go into it because I was scared or stressed. But now that it's been a year that we've been together I don't feel the need to anymore. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows.

"I know you like when I'm in little space." Jimin looked down.

"I do, but I also love this Jimin. I really don't care which one I have as long as it's you." Yoongi pressed a soft kiss to Jimin's temple. The voices can take a shot at this moment. Jimin is doubting himself so this is when the voices begin to target his weak spots.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes I'm sure." Yoongi assured the younger boy and engulfed him in a comforting hug. He's learned over time how to dull the oncoming schizophrenic scene. This is something Jimin has come to love about Yoongi- how quickly Yoongi learns and adapts to everything around him and knows exactly what to do. And, even when he doesn't he makes it seem like he does.


"So, how did you two meet?" Yoongi's father asked, looking his son and his son's boyfriend up and down a few times. Luckily, the youngsters had discussed this earlier and Yoongi opened his mouth to answer.

"I was visiting Taehyung at work and ran into Jimin where we just started talking and now we're here." The older of the two explained.

"Ah, sweet." Yoongi's father stated.

"I really love what you've done with the place. It feels so homey even though it's so dark. I love the theme." Yoongi's mother said after a moment of awkward silence.

"Oh, thanks." Yoongi replied and laughed nervously. The stare Jimin was getting from the older man was beginning to concern him. Why was he just staring so intently? Almost as if he was studying Jimin.

After another long break of silence Yoongi butted in and asked, "How about Jimin and I go get started on dinner?" He stood and clasped his hands together.

"Yes, good idea." Jimin agreed and stood up quickly. Once in the safety of their kitchen, he whispered, "I don't think your dad likes me."

"He doesn't like anyone. Don't worry." Yoongi whispered back and pecked the younger's lips. He opened the fridge and grabbed out the milk.

The two lovers began cooking the dinner for four, casually chatting in the process to fill the empty air. Still, Yoongi could sense something wasn't right. In the last few days, something's been off with Jimin but Yoongi can't tell what. They're usually very open with each other so when Jimin says he's fine, Yoongi believes him.

Yoongi set the metal pan in the oven and walked over to Jimin. He wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on Jimin's shoulder.

"Are you okay? Please don't worry about my dad. He's a judgemental guy who doesn't like anyone. It's not you. Just him. I promise." Yoongi said quietly into his ear and left a kiss on his neck. Jimin nodded but didn't say anything.

"Five minutes!" Yoongi called into the other room where his parents sat still.

Dinner went by quickly and almost silently. They made small talk but there wasn't much to talk about. Nothing really happens in Yoongi's parent's lives and Jimin and Yoongi can barely talk about theirs. And, if they do, they have to change things around and lie.

As dinner ended, Jimin set down his fork slowly and stood up. He spoke in a low, quiet tone, "I'm gonna head to bed now, Yoongi." Jimin bowed to Yoongi's parents and retreated quickly to their room. Something in the younger's eyes worried Yoongi. He quickly cleaned up from dinner and set his parents up in the make-shift guest room.

He turned off the lights and locked the doors. Yoongi stripped down into comfortable clothing and laid next to Jimin who was still obviously awake.

"Do you wanna talk? You seem down about something." Yoongi asked and traced his thumb along Jimin's cheek.

"I'm fine, Yoongi." Jimin said with a little break in his voice. A tear slipped from his eye and he turned so that his back was facing Yoongi.

Deciding not to question any further, Yoongi nodded to himself and leaned over to kiss Jimin's head, "Love you." He whispered.

No response.

Yoongi bit his tongue and tried his best to fall asleep, though all the possible reasons Jimin could be acting this way raced through his mind.

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