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"Don't say that, Yoongi. Don't beat yourself up for this. It wasn't your fault. There's no way you could have seen this coming."

"I- But the day I brought you home- I promised I'd never let anything happen to you. That I'd never leave your side- I- I'm so sorry." Yoongi sobbed into Jimin's shoulder.

"Yoongi. Yoongi please stop saying that. This isn't your fault." Jimin tightened his grip around Yoongi's torso, "I'm a pregnant male Tiny, if that isn't strange enough, and I was walking alone. You know some people just don't... Agree with a lot of things or they don't understand. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, Yoongs."

"I'm still sorry. I'm just glad you're both okay. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, Jimin. My life would be over. I don't know how I'd be able to function if you didn't make it-" Yoongi's voice cracked.

"Don't talk like that, Yoongi. I'm okay. You're not going to loose me or our baby any time soon. See," a small smile appeared on Jimin's lips, feeling their baby move around a little, "he's telling you that he's okay, too." Jimin held Yoongi's hand on the spot where he was kicking.

"Hey, buddy." Yoongi muttered, smiling through his tears. Jimin laid back down but his hand remained on Yoongi's, "I'm glad you're okay, too."

"Come here, Yoongi." Jimin scooted to the side and opened his arms.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Jim." Yoongi shook his head.

"You won't. It'll make us both feel better. Plus, I need a bit of sleep anyways. You look like you need it, too. We will deal with whatever we need to later. I just need you close to me." Jimin's voice still shook as he spoke.

"Alright, but tell me if I hurt you, okay?" Yoongi sighed. He would never refuse cuddles with Jimin, especially not now. He maneuvered himself carefully into the hospital bed, avoiding the IV in Jimin's arm and his belly as much as he could.

Jimin hummed and placed his head on Yoongi's chest, shutting his eyes and clenching a fist around his shirt.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Yoongi whispered with an obvious tinge of pain, "I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He tightened his arms around the younger and closed his eyes, "I promise that we'll find who did this to you."


Jimin groaned and rolled onto his side. He's been having a really difficult time sleeping in the last few days since he left the hospital. All he ever felt at night was pain mixed with the occasional nightmare in the instances he managed to fall asleep for a moment; all that plus the voices.

Yet, Jimin didn't wake Yoongi. Purely because he felt like too much of a burden. Why wake his peacefully sleeping boyfriend just to tell him he's in a lot of pain? There's nothing Yoongi can do about it except worry. And he already worries enough.

But tonight, Jimin felt like he was at the peak of everything. He couldn't hear anything over the voices screaming at him, telling him he'll never be good enough as a father and pretty much jeopardized both their lives by leaving the house- saying it's his fault. Plus, the pain in his back and stomach. He could feel the baby moving around, too, but the least he could hope for was that he wasn't in pain. To Jimin, he'd take it all if he had to just so his baby didn't have to feel anything.

With Jimin being unable to hear himself, his whimpers in fear and pain grew louder with each passing minute. It just kept getting worse. Yoongi was awoken by this eventually and shot up in fear. He had no idea what was happening for a hot minute before assessing Jimin's current state:

- Crying
- Whimpering
- Eyes shut tight
- Can't seem to hear anything
- Clenched fists
- Fetal Position

Yoongi sighed after coming to his conclusion. He rolled out of bed quickly and jogged into the kitchen to grab a cup of ice. This is something new that Yoongi discovered just recently; if he places an ice cube in between Jimin's hands tightly, it seems to run the voices away or dull them at the least.

He sat the cup on the bedside table and gently pulled Jimin into a sitting position in his lap; supporting him with one arm against the headboard.

"It's okay, Jiminie, I've got you." Yoongi said, hoping that maybe his voice was able to break through the others a little bit. He grabbed both of Jimin's hands and pried open his fists. He grabbed an ice cube and slipped it between his palms, holding them together as he continued to comfort Jimin.

Yoongi ran his fingers over Jimin's belly, feeling their baby squirm around and kick. Yoongi smiled, tears almost beginning to brim in his eyes. Jimin's cries dulled to almost nothing but his eyes never opened.

"Hey there little guy," Yoongi said softly, "your daddy is having a bit of a rough time right now, I'm sorry if it's scaring you."

Jimin's head fell loosely against Yoongi's shoulder and his eyes cracked open.

"I'm sorry," Jimin chocked out.

"Don't apologize, sweetheart." Yoongi kissed Jimin's lips lovingly and took him into a warm and encompasing hug. Jimin sniffled and pulled Yoongi closer.

"Let me get you some pain killers, okay?" Yoongi said, talking about the headache Jimin probably has, not knowing about the pain in his stomach.

After Yoongi left, Jimin laid down and whispered to the baby, "You'll be a lot safer once you're born, I promise. I'm sorry this had to happen to you, baby. I don't know if my terrors affect you- I hope they don't."

The older returned a few minutes later and handed Jimin the medicine. Yoongi then laid down next to Jimin and brought him into his arms, well, as close as he could manage. Jimin's ice cold hands found their way around his torso and locked in place.

"I'm sorry I have so many problems, Yoongi. It must be tiring." Jimin mumbled.

"They're not problems, per se. They're just... Obstscles. Or... Tiny problems. Things you can try to overcome in time. Some things you might never get rid of but, I think it's time we fix these things you call problems. Because, for once, I hate seeing you in pain, baby. I know we try different things all the time but a part of me wants to hope things will change when the baby is born."

"What do you mean?" Jimin sniffled.

"I mean, this baby is made up of you and me. Which means he probably has your beautiful smile and eyes but my frankly odd personality. He's the best things we possess all put into one little tiny baby. What I'm getting at is that maybe he'll start taking up more space in your head for you to think about. I'm terrified just thinking about being a dad but my mom says its natural. The baby will soon consume both of the parents lives and, usually, makes them a better person and fixes their insecurities. I know that might not make much sense with me saying it but from my mom, it was much better worded."

Jimin hummed, half-awake, and Yoongi looked down. There was a tiny hint of a smile on the younger's lips.

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now