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Jimin sat, tapping his fingers against the wooden stairs leading up to the porch of their house. Wild noises and voiced ran rampid in his head but he blocked them out. Watching his son and fiancé play around in the front yard is more important.

Haru's fifth birthday is today. Jimin can't believe how much time has passed. It doesn't even feel like that long. Time really does move fast, huh? It's hard to look back and think about individual details of a time without being carried away into nostalgic times. For their family, the times are mostly nostalgic. There's a lot of negative times linked with thinking back on Haru's early years. So, Jimin tries not to think back. He keeps his head in the moment.

"Dada! Dada! Help me!" Haru exclaimed. He's been speaking full sentences a lot lately. And, has been maturing so fast that the staff at his school want him to skip kindergarten. Jimin laughed at the request from the little boy who had been pinned down in the grass by Yoongi.

Jimin stood up and laid down next to Haru who was still struggling. "Having some trouble, I see?"

"Yes!" He giggled, trying to push Yoongi's hands away from him.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop." Yoongi surrendered and flopped down next to Haru in the grass. Jimin stared up at the sky, watching the clouds move by slowly.

He was born to nothing. Thrown between houses seeking the care of someone but only to be treated like a pet. He was abused, mistreated, and abandoned so many times before Yoongi found him. All it took was one glance at his picture for Jimin to know he'd found his One.

And now, so many years later, they've grown together, been through so much, and have a five year old son. It's so crazy to the both of them to think about that. Haru is still too young to comprehend who he is, but they'll explain it some day.

The two have agreed to not tell Haru about his past, either, until he is much older. How do you tell a child they've been kidnapped? That their dad was shot and stabbed in attempt to kill him, twice. That's not something you tell a kid.

These days, their family is still small, but just perfect. Yoongi's mother is always involved. She lives only a few minutes away. Tae and Jungkook's daughter goes to school with Haru, their newest edition is only a couple months old. The four of them live down the street. Taehyung didn't tell anyone he was pregnant until he started showing. He yet let Jungkook figure it out. Sure, he was pissed, but it was so funny. Yoongi and Jimin were there for it. But again, Jungkook cried a little. He's still soft as ever.

Jimin, too, has something he needs to tell Yoongi but that can wait for another time. No use in taking the attention away from his baby on his birthday.

Jimin sat up and said, "Should we go get lunch now?" The question was directed at Haru who gets to pick where they eat today. The three of them mostly live off of the money granted to Yoongi from his mother, though his childhood, and from his father's life insurance.

"Yes!" Haru hopped up and ran inside, doing the Naruto run as he did so.

Jimin pulled Yoongi up and was brought into a kiss. "I love you. Thank you so much for this nerdy ass kid. I blame that on you, by the way."

"I'll accept that. But anything the next one does is gonna be all your fault." Jimin let the words slip.


"We'll talk later." Jimin chuckled and tugged Yoongi by the hand inside. Haru was sitting on the floor tying his shoes, his jacket sleeve only on one arm.

"Where do you wanna go tonight?" Yoongi asked.

"I want chicken strips."

"You always want chicken strips."

"Shh, it's his birthday. Let him get chicken if he wants chicken." Jimin laughed.

"Alright, alright." Yoongi surrendered. The three of them went out to get Haru his preferred chicken strips and proceeded to spend quite a few hours in town. They did some light shopping; bought Haru some new clothing and such. But really, it was just Jimin and Yoongi walking hand-in-hand behind Haru as he skipped along, amazed by the bright lights all around him.

Haru hasn't been in town in a long time, and it's not like he would remember any of it. However, he's always amazed by everything he sees. He's curious, nonetheless. And these bright lights and people all around him made his eyes light up. He's so purely innocent it acts as a reminder to Jimin that everything is okay and nothing could ever happen to them, ever again.

Jimin tightened his grip on Yoongi's hand and let out a long deep breath. They're going to be okay. Jimin's fears will always be locked in the back of his mind but they're irrational. The three of them are safe from any harm. And Jimin couldn't be more thankful.

Yoongi, this man standing next to Jimin, their fingers laced together, has given Jimin so much. There's no way that Jimin could ever repay Yoongi for all he's done.

"Hey, Yoongs?" Jimin said under his breath. Haru has stopped to go play in the fountain like the other kids were doing so the couple sat on the concrete bench and watched.

Yoongi hummed in response.

"I'm pregnant."

Yoongi choked on his drink.


"Yeah... I know my doctor said the chances were slim to none, but we had the same probability with Haru." Jimin chuckled.

"I love you so much." Yoongi said, hugging Jimin close. They'd been talking about having another kid a lot recently.

Having another kid is going to be a lot for Jimin, knowing what happened the last time. It's left a permanent scar both on his body and his mind. But, in retrospect to all he has no, those are irrelevant . They're nothing more than conjured up fears.

Tiny problems, you could call them.

Irrelevant and tiny problems.

The End.

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now