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Yoongi was gone and out the door before anyone could blink. Jungkook was frantically talking on the phone with the 911 operator. Jimin stood in shock, not understanding what was going on. He could barely hear anything. The voices in his head were so loud that they overlapped each other. Yoongi was gone after the blink of an eye. He didn't even hesitate to run out to the car and leave. Taehyung, however, was still in the baby room. He obviously had no idea what was going on. The sound of the humidifier, sound machine, and closed door drowned out everything going on. 

Haru had been taken? Why? By who?

"Jungkook...?" Jimin asked, bottom lip quivering. 

"Jimin... Don't worry, the police are on their way right now." Jungkook grabbed ahold of the younger boy, bringing him into a tight hug. Jimin had already been having a rough morning and this would surely not make it any better. 

"What happened?" Jimin's voice was shaky and quiet, as if he was doubting the images before his own eyes.

"Two men appeared at the door and they... They took Haru. But, please, don't worry. The police are on their way here. They've got the sheriffs and highway patrols closing off the highways and exits. They'll put out warnings and notices once they get more details from us. Just please, stay calm. Yoongi's left to try and chase after them." Jungkook tried to speak as calmly as he could for Jimin's sake. He knows what it's like when a Tiny is thrown into an overwhelming situation they can't control.

"...W-Why?" Jimin's voice began to wobble. His bottom lip began to tremble. "Is it something I did? Is it the people who came after me?" Jimin's breathing quickened, his chest rising and falling quickly.

Taehyung appeared in the doorway, looking confused. He and Jungkook locked eyes for a second before their gazes shot back to Jimin. His body went limp and he hit the floor before anyone could catch him.


Through his distress, Yoongi was still glad that Jimin was knocked out. He can deal with the police on his own. Jimin's has enough to deal with; from the attacks and reports to now this. Yoongi would rather take it on himself.

His baby is out there and he doesn't know where. He doesn't know who he's with. Or, even what they're doing to Haru.

Yoongi can't help but think that this is all his fault.

In retrospect, this is his fault. He lied to Jimin. He didn't take the necessary precautions. He chose to stay, thinking everything would be okay. Yoongi lied to Jimin. He lied to the police.

He lied to himself.

He knows who took Haru.

He knows who tried to kill Haru before he was even born. He knows who attacked Jimin.

Yet, he did nothing.

Yoongi trusted his mom when she said everything would be okay; That his father was just mad and didn't mean what he said that night.

"No son of mine will have a child with that... That thing." The man bit through his teeth, throwing a disgusted look at his son.

"Don't you dare call him that! He's completely normal!" Yoongi yelled in response, his face becoming red with anger. "Maybe he was born a little different but you can't judge him by that!"

"Yoongi, sweetheart, sit down." Yoongi's mother asserted herself into the middle of the argument, patting the couch sympathetically.

"Woman." The man spoke harshly and Yoongi's mother shut up, removing her hand from the couch cushion.

"I won't allow it. I'll get rid of the damned child! Even that thing if I have to. I thought we raised you right, Yoongi. You're supposed to have a child with a woman. I accept the fact that you think you're gay-"

"Shut up." Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"Believe me when I say I'll get that child. You won't see it again after I'm done with it. Go ahead, try to go to the police. I'll take your allowances. Then what would you do? You've got nowhere to go."

"I-"  Yoongi's blood ran cold. The man then silently left the room, not saying another word more.

"Yoongi, darling, come here." She opened her arms and pulled Yoongi softly against her, "I'm sorry for him. You know he doesn't mean it... He's just having a tough time accepting things. It is... Unheard of for a man to have a baby but I did my own research, honey. I promise. I support you two. Your father is very old fashioned... Just give him some time. He'll come around."

Yoongi sniffled, feeling the welled-up tears spill down his cheeks. He nodded, trying so hard to believe his mother.

"... Sir?" The police man asked, snapping Yoongi out of his daze.

"I know who did it... I know who did all of it. I was so stupid." Yoongi wipped the stray tears from his eyes.

"Can you tell me who, Mr. Min?"

Yoongi sighed heavily and brushed his hand through his hair, "My father."


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