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"I understand why he's been acting a bit weird lately." Taehyung said to Yoongi. They'd been talking when the subject of Jimin's odd behavior came into the discussion.

"I noticed it a few weeks ago. It's a primal thing so don't be worried. A lot of times what happens when a female becomes pregnant, other females become very protective over that pregnant female and that sometimes causes their own hormones to spike and then that longing for a child of their own comes into play. It only lasts a few months, though. In our case, we're both male but I guess it's the same difference."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"Ow- fuck." Taehyung hissed and bit his tongue.

"You okay?"

"Phantom contractions. They hit me every once in a while without warning and it fucking sucks." Taehyung complained. He rested his feet up on the coffee table and lesned his head back against the pillows. His back, legs, feet, arms, head- everything hurt. He was so thankful that he'd be having the baby soon. He didn't know when, but he sensed it was soon. And, most likely within the next couple days. He was so anxious to meet his baby that he didn't know what to do. Time had passed by so fast. It felt like only yesterday had he found out he was pregnant. Three months from now would make it a year.

"Damn. Sounds wonderful." Yoongi laughed lightly.

"Jungkookie, honey, can you grab me an asprin?" Taehyung called into the room behind them. Jungkook came in a few moments later trailed by Jimin with Taehyung's request and a glass of water.

Taehyung's "phantom" contractions got progressively worse after that. He tried not to pay attention to them until they were far too painful to ignore.

"Okay, that's it." He groaned, "I wasn't in the mood for doing this today but I guess we have to." Taehyung grumbled and struggled to get to a standing position. The three boys looked at him oddly.

"Jungkook, honey, you grab the bag. I'll be in the car. I just wanted to sleep. Was that to hard to ask for? I was comfortable!" He whined, complaining to the baby in his belly.

"What?" Jungkook asked in cofusion but hurried over to his boyfriend when he grabbed onto the counter and groaned in pain.

"Oh... Oh shit." Jungkook's eyes popped open. The two other boys on the couch instantly realized what was happening.

"I'll drive." Yoongi said and grabbed Jungkook's keys off the counter. Jimin went into "protective" mode, which Taehyung had hoped for. It's instinctual- a thing only Tinys can relate to. Taehyung latched onto his best friend and held him tight through the painful moment. Jungkook went off to grab their things quickly and they all headed to the car. It was already a said plan to have the two of them accompany Jungkook and Taehyung during this time.

They shortly began the kind of lengthy drive to the Tiny clinic. Regular hospitals could do the job but that's a last resort kind of place. It's too risky because doctors have zero experience with the Tiny kind.

Taehyung did pretty well on the drive there. Jimin and Jungkook sat in the backseat with him for extra support, both helping him through the painful and spastic contractions.

Once arriving at the clinic, the four loaded out of the car and almost awkwardly into the hospital.

The next seven hours were spent laying around and playing various games. Taehyung wasn't far along enough yet for them to perform the C-Section. The pain had gotten to Taehyung's head, so they put him on some painkillers that made him loopy. He laughed at the slightest of things but cried easily now, too. So, after a while, Jungkook ended up being pulled into the hospital bed to cuddle with Taehyung per the pregnant boy's request.

Yoongi and Jimin laid on the couch together, all chatting quietly. Taehyung managed to fall asleep at the end of the seven hours and so did everyone else.

The two boys on the couch slept for a long while, up until Jungkook was shaking them awake. Taehyung had been moved to a new room to recover. Their baby girl had been out for a little over two hours now. Jungkook wouldn't be afraid to admit that he cried like a baby when holding her for the first time. Not holding her now made him feel insecure and he rushed back to Tae's room to get her.

"She's precious." Jimin cooed as Jungkook handed her over, "My gosh, she's the spitting image of the both of you."

"Hi there, little Mari." Yoongi chuckled, watching the baby yawn. Taehyung and Jungkook had both decided on the name Mari- the namesake of Jungkook's younger sister who was killed a few years back; hit by a drunk driver. While the two boys were occupied with the newborn baby, Jungkook went over to check on Taehyung.

Tae's eyes cracked open slowly. Jungkook brushed the hair from his eyes and kissed his lips. Yoongi and Jimin noticed he was awake and figured now was a good time to go and give the new parents some time alone with their new baby.

Jungkook handed Mari carefully over to Taehyung who's eyes were teary.

"I never thought this day would come." He muttered, looking at his daughter in awe, "Thank you." He whispered and looked up at Jungkook.

"For what?"

"Everything. For the last four-almost five years we've been together. Everything you've done for me. You gave me a home, a reason, love, and now a family. I love you so much, Jungkook." Taehyung sobbed. The younger boy placed their daughter gently into the tiny rolling bed and pulled his boyfriend into a soft hug. He was so afraid to hurt him, knowing the pain he's going to be in after the meds wear off.

"I love you more."

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