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"Happy one month-aversary!" Jimin shouted and jumped from the top of the fridge to Yoongi's shoulder.

"How did you get up there? I was so worried, Jimin. Don't do that again." Yoongi frowned, giving Jimin a kiss on his forehead.

"Remember, Yoonie, my mom was a cat hybrid and my dad was a Tiny and then there was me. And, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Jimin let loud a low purr and rubbed his head against Yoongi's temple.

"It's alright. Now, like you said, happy one month-aversary." Yoongi chuckled and sat Jimin down on the ground. He grabbed the Sharpie and pulled off the cap. Jimin stood against the wall, wanting to measure himself. He liked to see how much he'd grown. It's safe to say he's really eager to NOT be this small anymore.

"Seventeen inches." Yoongi grinned down at the small boy, marking a black line at the top of his head.

"Yay! That's five inches since our first week." Jimin smiled brightly and climbed onto Yoongi's lap.

"Do you wanna go down to the lake today? The one I was talking about a few days ago? Jungkook and Tae want to go, so I figured we could all go together? It's really pretty with the colorful trees and stuff."

Jimin's ears twitched, "Mhm! Yeah, I wanna go with Tae and Jungkook, too." Taehyung and Jimin's had grown really close since their first meeting. It's easy for the two to connect with each other, seeing they come from the same kind of "family."


"Ooo," Jimin mumbled, looking at the butterfly that flew above him. He folowed it as it fluttered aeay, not even thinking about the fact that he was leaving behind the three older boys.

After chasing the pretty insects down for a few minutes, it disappeared and he stopped looking for it. He soon realized that he couldn't see any of the three boys. He was surrounded in bushes and plants. Where was he? He stumbled around, looking for any sign of the three boys he'd come to the lake with. But, when you're only about a foot and a half tall, it's kind of hard to do that.

His heart began to race. He'd never been alone in such an unfamiliar place before except... The memories came flashing back into his mind. Why did this feel so familiar? He could see the face of the boy who'd been with him, then. His brother. His older brother, for a fact. He hadn't seen him in probably eleven years.

Jimin continued to run, not knowing he was going the wrong way. Through his fear, he could feel a tugging in his chest. Something drawing him to a specific area of the nature park.

He tripped and fell into the dirt but got up and kept going. He needed to find Yoongi, or Tae, or anyone for that matter. He was scared and wanted to go home.

Finally, Jimin could see two people sitting in the grass ahead of him. He stopped just before, afraid to approach them. What would they do to him? People don't usually have good reactions to seeing someone like him. But, Jimin wanted to risk it anyways.

He brushed some of the dirt off of himself and walked forward. He tapped the back of the man and waited for him to turn around. And, the moment he did, Jimin froze. And, so did the man.

What are the odds that it would be his brother. Technically, they aren't blood related but they were raised together. He cared for Jimin, most of the time when they were alone in Busan.

"H-Hoseokie?" Jimin muttered.

"Jimin! Oh my god-" Hoseok picked Jimin up, immediately holding him close. Jimin sniffled and wrapped his arms around the older boy's neck. He recognized his scent. He'd know it anywhere.

"Where did you come from? How did you get here?" He asked, pulling Jimin back to look at him.

"I-I was chasing after a butterfly and got lost and I tried to find Yoonie or TaeTae but I couldn't-" Little tears escaped from his eyes.

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now