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"Hi, Haru," Jimin giggled and walked into the baby's room. The little boy squealed at the sight of his father. It's been a month, now, since the day Haru was born. Jimin was still in a lot of physical and emotional pain from the last few rough events in his past but he's getting by just well.

"Are you hungry? I know I am. Your daddy is out getting me food. Isn't he the best? Ah, I love your daddy so much." Jimin sighed and rubbed noses with his baby. This sweet little gesture was something Jimin's mother did with him. Being part cat, the rubbing of noses was an act of affection towards offspring.

Jimin flipped off the light and took Haru into the kitchen. He laid sat him down in the bouncy chair which was sitting on the table. Haru whined at the loss of contact with his dad. But, when Haru saw Jimin get out the bottle of baby formula and stick it in the heater, he became quiet.

Jimin smiled softly, watching Haru's eyes get bigger at the sight of food. Haru squealed and reached his arms out. Jimin picked him back up and sat them both down on the couch.

"Here you go, darling." Jimin muttered and Haru began sucking on the rubber bit. His eyes fell closed. Yoongi came through the door, smiling at the sight before him.

"Hey, honey," Yoongi sat the items down on the counter and went over for a kiss. "Sorry that took me so long, the line was barely moving."

"It's alright, I did some cleaning in the mean time."

"Not too much, right? I don't want you hurting yourself. You've got to heal up, baby." Yoongi slightly frowned.

"I know, and don't worry. I'm okay, Yoonie. I just wanted to help." Jimin's voice became quieter and higher in pitch. Yoongi hasn't seen Jimin in little space in about seven months. He missed It, yes, but this also worries Yoongi. Maybe Jimin's been stressing out too much lately.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Yoongi kissed Jimin's head and picked Haru up, setting the bottle on the coffee table. Yoongi rocked the fussy baby for a few minutes until he fell back asleep. Yoongi laid him down in the crib and went back to Jimin.

"Has Big Jimin been stressed?" Yoongi asked, sitting down next to Jimin. He wrapped his arms protectively around him.

"A little... Big Jimin thinks he's a burden cause he can't do a lot and is always in pain. He doesn't want to make you sad."

"Big Jimin or Little Jimin could never make me sad! I love you both too much. It makes me sad to see you in pain, though. I don't want my baby to hurt." Yoongi stroked Jimin's hair softly. "Can you tell me if anything is hurting Big Jimin?"

"His tummy hurts a lot. He doesn't sleep sometimes because of it." Jimin muttered. Yoongi bit his lip, wishing he wasn't such a heavy sleeper.

"Tell Big Jimin that he can wake me if he's in pain, okay? I'm here to protect you and Haru, now. If something's wrong, just tell me." Yoongi kissed the younger's head.

"I love you, Yoonie-" Jimin began to say but then his face contorted and hands shot over his ears. "T-The voices-" he stumbled and his bottom lip began to tremble.

Yoongi pulled the younger boy gently into his arms and rocked him back and forth. He began talking about random things as a form of comforting Jimin. This lessens the effects of the auditory hallucinations.

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now