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"Remember what I told you, okay? Just keep it simple, at first." Jimin said, rubbing the back of Taehyung's hand with his thumb. Yoongi smiled comfortingly at Taehyung. They'd explained it all to him shortly after Jimin was told. Yoongi knew all about this- seeing that he did some very extensive research before bringing home Jimin.

Taehyung nodded and ran and shaky hand through his hair. He stood up hesitantly and the three of then headed for the door. As soon as Jungkook saw Taehyung appear in the doorway, he was there, hugging Taehyung tightly.

"Is everything okay? Are you sick?" Jungkook asked quickly, needing some reassuring answers from the love of his life.

"Jungkookie... Baby, I'm pregnant." Taehyung said and bit his lip.

"What? You're a guy. Wait..."

"Yeah, uh, it's something really complicated and I don't know how to explain right now, I can barely form words..." Taehyung looked deep into Jungkook's eyes, "We're gonna have a baby, Kookie." Just the sentence brought a smile and more tears to his eyes.

It took a few moments for Jungkook to process what Taehyung was saying. He remembers talking to Yoongi about this a long, long time ago. He never imaged it could happen to Taehyung, though. He had no idea.

He thought back to what Taehyung had last said. 'We're gonna have a baby, Kookie.' Tears sprung from Jungkook's eyes and he pulled Taehyung back into another hug.

"If this is a joke, I'm not gonna talk to you for a year." Jungkook muttered.

"It's not, I promise. A-Are you okay... With this?"

"Okay with it? Tae! We're gonna have a baby!" Jungkook exclaimed in happiness and kissed him quickly. Meanwhile, Jimin and Yoongi were just sitting and watching as the adorable scene unraveled before them.

Jimin leaned onto Yoongi's shoulder, yawning. A warm, protective arm wrapped around him, pulling him close, making him feel safe as always. Jimin purred, growing more tired as the night went on.

The two lovebrids waited until Taehyung and Jungkook were asleep on the couch, wrapped around each other, to leave. In all honesty, both boys were very happy for their friends. Male pregnancy was never something that really crossed any of their minds often, constantly forgetting that it's happened before in the Tiny breed. But, nonetheless, they're all happy.

But, here comes the question of if Jimin's affected by the mutation or not? The chances are slim to none but, Yoongi would at least like to know, just so they can be careful- even if it's a one in a million chance that any fertilization would happen.

It's still a thought.

Minutes later, Yoongi glanced over to find Jimin passed out against the window. It was much easier to carry him when he was still growing. Though, Jimin is still a relatively light load. They pulled into their parking space and Yoongi gently woke Jimin, telling him that they were home. He guided his half-awake boyfriend upstairs and into their warm apartment. The almost twenty year old crashed onto the bed immedietly, not even caring to take off his shoes or jacket; which Yoongi did for him.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, admiring his boyfriend's beautiful face as he slept, he realized just how lucky he really was. There's no doubt in his mind that he and Jimin were meant for each other. The two clicked even before they met. It's destiny, per se.

Yoongi smiled, feeling a warm sensation overtake his body. He rid himself of a few layers of clothing and climbed into bed next to Jimin, cluring up and both seeking each other's body heat.


"I hope it's a girl." Taehyung said, twirling his fingers with Jungkook's as they laid in bed.

"I'm happy with either, or even both." Jungkook chuckled.

"Oh Lord, two babies seems like a lot, doesn't it?" Taehyung replied, a slightly concerned tone escaping his lips.

"One for each of us," Jungkook booped the younger's nose with his finger, "but don't worry. Naeya said it's probably just one baby, from the size of your belly. One tiny baby." The older hummed happily and traced his fingers over his boyfriend's tiny baby bump.

Taehyung hummed in response and closed his eyes, absorbing the loving touch from his boyfriend, "Are you sure we can afford a baby? I mean, to take care of one. A baby means lots of stuff- a crib, diapers, special food, clothing, toys."

"Of course we can. I make enough money now to support both of us if you weren't working, which you are, though. We can do this, TaeTae, I promise. We'll go shopping on our next day off together. So, next Saturday, I think?"

"Sounds right. And, okay. I guess I didn't think about that. I'm just worried. We're so young, what if we aren't cut out to be dad's just yet?"

"Taehyungie, it's okay. I already take care of you, both in big space and little and you're quite a handful," Jungkook teased playfully, "anyways. You'll get the hang of it immediately. You're so caring, you and our baby are going to be inseparable, I can sense it already."

Taehyung's face became heated, a warm feeling washing over his body as he thought about what it would be like to hold their baby in his arms finally. He smiled softly, feeling a little emotional.

"I hope it looks like you. You've got the better looks."

"That's incorrect but overall I hope they've got your box smile. Fuck it, we're both hot as fuck, our child is going to look like an actual god."

"Oh my God, Jungkook," Taehyung laughed and hit his chest playfully, "you're not wrong, though."

Tiny Problems #YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now