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"Mari!" Jimin cheered and smiled brightly, watching the little girl waddle her way over to him and Yoongi. Taehyung just stood against the door frame and watched in awe. Yoongi picked Mari up and carried her over to the living room where Jungkook was sleeping.

"Kooks," Yoongi said softly, "wakey-wakey."

Jungkook's eyes popped open and he yawned. He rolled over and stretched across Taehyung who'd just sat down. "Morning, sleepy head." Taehyung chuckled and ran his fingers through the boy's dark hair.

"How're you feeling, Jim?" Taehyung wondered, watching Jimin flop down on the chair beside them and rub his temples.

"Alright, I guess. The back pain has become a numb feeling now and sleeping is now difficult as hell but I expected that. Yoongi's just mad that we can't cuddle any more."

"Why not?" Jungkook wondered.

"Cause I move around constantly, you know? It annoys him." Jimin laughed and ticked his finger under Yoongi's chin.

"It doesn't annoy me, I just miss cuddling but I understand the uncomfortable feeling. At least, from the way you describe it. I feel bad." Yoongi explained.

"Just three months left, though. I can make it, I promise." Jimin spoke with a teasing tone and smiled reassuringly.

"I know, and I can't wait."

After a few moments of silence and Mari babbling about nothing on Yoongi's lap, Jimin requested that he and Taehyung go talk in private. Taehyung had figured they'd need to talk eventually. He had to go into it not knowing anything and as a figure of a scientifucal project, almost, researched before, after, and during. The same would ultimately happen to Jimin but he wanted to at least warn him, answer questions, and make sure he's feeling okay.

"Does it hurt?" Jimin asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"Which part?"

"The C-Section."

"Oh, no. Not during, no. They numb you up a whole ton or will put you under anaesthesia if it's needed. It was for me cause I guess my body reacted weird to something and I passed out. I think I told you that story before. Jungkook freaked the fuck out. It has been a year and a half since I had Mari but I remember most of it vividly. The incision hurts like a bitch afterwards, though. It feels like your intestines have been tied together and set on fire, basically. But for the week after you get to just eat cold foods and relax. No strenuous activity. Kookie already went over this with Yoongi, I'm pretty sure."

Jimin swallowed hard, not looking forward to the pain after he has the baby.

"Don't focus on it too much, though. It seems scarier than it really is going into it. The whole reason I seemed kind of out of it the whole time is because I didn't want to scare Jungkook. He was already panicking enough as it is."

"O-Okay..." Jimin looked down at his shaking hands. Taehyung took them in his and made Jimin look back up at him:

"I promise, Jiminie, you'll be okay. I know it seems scary but it all goes by in a flash. Before you know it your baby is going to be walking and talking and you'll have no idea where the last year of your life went." Taehyung chuckled.

"I'm just worried that I won't be good enough," Jimin mumbled.

"Why would you think that?"

"I'm so emotionally unstable, for one. I can barely control anything. I don't want my baby to have schitzophrenia like me, either. I would never wish that on them. And I don't even know if they're going to be hybrid like me or human like Yoongi. I know he'll make a wonderful dad but I just don't think I will. I feel like I'm going to mess everything up."

"It's okay to think that, Jim. I thought the same thing. It'll all change the moment you see their face for the first time. It'll just hit you like a train. At first you'll think 'are they even real?' or 'how did I create this?' but then you'll see them open their eyes or you'll hear them cry and that's when you'll know it's real. Trust me, you'll be great. There's no way this baby can't love you. And as for the hybrid thing, I guess it's a half and half chance? Mari is half and half but doesn't have features of a Tiny. You never know what will happen, you know?"

"Yeah, that's true." Jimin ran his fingers over his belly, feeling the baby wiggle around a bit. He wanted so badly to see his baby, to hold them in his arms and see them open their eyes for the very first time. But he couldn't help the feeling of wanting to cry. He was so scared. Everything inside his head told him that he would never be good enough.

Jimin shut himself into a ball, rolling to the side on Taehyung's bed. The older sighed and ran his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Want me to go get Yoongi?"

Jimin nodded and sniffled. Taehyung got up quickly and returned a minute later with Yoongi.

Yoongi knelt down next to Jimin, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I won't be good enough, Yoongi. I can't do this." Jimin said in barely a whisper, letting the tears fall from his eyes.

"Hey, no, no. Don't think that, darling. You'll be a great farther. I know it seems scary, and trust me, I'm really scared, too, but we can do this. Together. Okay?" Yoongi assured.

Jimin didn't answer but covered his face and began to cry even harder. Yoongi could feel his heart aching terribly. But he didn't know what to do now. He was stuck.

"Don't think about it right now, baby. I know what the voices are telling you but have they ever been right? No. They're always wrong. So, don't listen to them. Listen to me when I say you'll be a great father. You're so sweet, caring, and just amazing overall. I love you so, so much and so will our baby."

"I wanna go home, I don't feel good." Jimin mumbled, holding his hands over his ears. This happens when the voices get really loud. It gets to a point sometimes where Jimin can't hear anything but the voices.

"Okay, sweetheart. We'll go home." Yoongi kissed Jimin's head and picked him up bridal style. The two other boys understood completely why they had to leave so soon and wished for the best.

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A/N: GUYS IM GETTING A CHINCHILLA PLS RECOMMEND NAMES (He doesn't have a name). His family abandoned him so he's gonna be my boyo now 😪

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