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"Shh, babyboy it's okay." Yoongi whispered, rocking Jimin back and forth in his arms softly. Jimin had contracted the stomach flu earlier that day and was not happy about it- then again, who would be? And, on top of that, the voices decided to drop by for a visit. This left Jimin sucking on a blue pacifier, crying, and cradled in Yoongi's arms on the bathroom floor.

Even though he seemed in such distress, there was nothing more comforting to Jimin than this. Yoongi's warmth alone made him feel quite a bit better.

His cries died down after a while and he laid slump against his boyfriend, dehydrated, hungry, and mentally and physically drained. Yoongi didn't mind this. Holding Jimin close and making sure he is okay was all that Yoongi needs. His own personal needs cease to exist when it comes to the Tiny boy.

"I love you, sweetheart." Yoongi muttered and kissed Jimin's sweaty, hot forehead.

Jimin let out a little soft sound in response, telling Yoongi he loved him, too. The older mustered up his strength and picked Jimin up off the bathroom floor and carried him to their bed. Though Jimin didn't want to be alone and whined in protest, Yoongi had to leave him alone for just a bit. There were a few things Yoongi needed to take care of regarding his parents. It was nothing bad, just a little complicated at this stage.

He sat down at his desk and opened his computer. Yoongi's parents don't like to use texting and they didn't have the time to call and settle things. Only, just as he was beginning a new email, his mom's number poped up on his phone screen.

He grabbed it and stepped out onto the balcony, "Hey, mom."

"Hey, hun, hope this isn't a bad time. I had a few minutes off- no clients finally," she laughed, "so I figured we have a little chat."

"Yeah," Yoongi laughed nervously.

"Anyways, hunny, why didn't you tell us about your little boyfriend? Even when we asked? It's been almost a year!" Her tone was slightly disappointed but not mad. Yet, still, Yoongi felt himself beginning to recede. It's some way his parents make him feel that causes him to submit to their word. It's been with him since he was a child. No lie, he loves his parents and appreciates all they've done for him but he's also slightly terrified of them.

"Uhm," Yoongi couldn't think of what to say. The real reason he didn't say anything to his parents before was because he knew they'd want to come out and visit them. And, they're not the most open people. They know Yoongi's gay and they still love him for that. They're accepting when it comes to mere sexuality but not much with everything else. They see people as if they should all be the same. Even those with an unnatural hair color are looked down upon by his parents, hence why he's never died his hair an unnatural shade. And Yoongi knew what they'd think of Jimin. It was a selfish action on Yoongi's behalf. He didn't want them to know about Jimin's lineage. Yoongi isn't ashamed of it, of course, he loves Jimin with everything he is but he knows his parents would disapprove.

"I'm sorry," was all that the boy could muster up.

"It's alright, hun. Your father and I just feel a little... Left out, that's all. But, he and I still would like to know when we can come visit? I was hoping to get that cleared up this evening."

"You guys can come anytime, I guess. Jimin would be glad to meet you. He's quite sick right now, he's got a horrible stomach flu. So, you guys may want to wait a week or so." Yoongi advised.

"Oh, sure hun. I'll tell your father and then we can find a time that's good for all of us. Does Jimin work?"

Yoongi thought for a moment. Telling the truth may make Jimin seem bad. The poor boy was stuck in a rescue and abused for 19 years of his life, Yoongi can't expect him to get a job. But, his parents can't know about that. Either way, even if they did know, they wouldn't care. They'd say he needs to suck it up and move on. But, there's just come things that you CAN'T move on from.

"Yeah, he works at a bookstore on the same street that Jungkook's office is on." Yoongi lied, yet felt confident in his fallacy.

"Aw, sounds peaceful to work at a bookstore. Is he a bit of a shy, reserved guy?"

"Ah, on occasion. He's got Selective Muteness so don't be turned away is he doesn't talk to you right away. He's kind of hesitant around people due to childhood trauma." Yoongi explained, trying to describe Jimin in a way that was both true and false at the same time.

"Oh, I understand. Thank you for telling me. Anyways, go tend to him since you said he's got a bad sickness. I'll let your father know about the plans and we'll set a date to come visit. Love you, son."

"Love you, too, mom. Bye."


Yoongi's mother ended the call and he went back inside. He turned off the lights and locked the exterior doors before crawling into bed with Jimin.


A/N: Bit of a shorter chapter, I hope you don't mind. Side note I just finished writing "uwu" if you wanna pop over and read that sometime. And, I just decided to expose myself real quick and tell you guys that my name is Stella and here's a picture of half of my face. So, if you ever see me in public you should come say hi cause I like making friends, haha. Although my hair is always changing colors so don't look for hair color specifically heh.

Okay but it's like a grey-blue now so yeah- it's been like a few weeks since that day ^^

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Okay but it's like a grey-blue now so yeah- it's been like a few weeks since that day ^^

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