My asean 2p! Ocs or something :v

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Since you guys wanted to see it, I actually made some of the characters that I might as well use for the future and their personalities and skills.

For this scenario, I was thinking of kind of like a Mafia kind of fic. I mean, isn't 2ps supposed to be more into gore and insanity? But anyway, here are the characters:


(Sorry if the drawing is bad, I hand-drawn all their portraits)

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(Sorry if the drawing is bad, I hand-drawn all their portraits)

The eyepatch is yet a mystery but will be revealed in the future I guess. He's kind of a clean-freak and a spoiled brat. Doesn't really fight with the enemy instead, he tries to be the general who would order people; loves to kill his enemies slowly without them even realizing that and hates the stench of blood.

A scenario of Brunei and his employees to let you guys get an idea of his personality-

*in a dark room filled with fresh corpses and blood literally scattered around the room*

Employee: sir, we've secluded the area with the security systems Aloysius set up.

Brunei: *wearing a face mask* good, make sure to clean this place asap. *walks to look around and steps on one of the bodies' hand making sure that the body wouldn't flinch or scream* fucking hell, who the hell kills that ungainly? This place is a sty for bats! *holds up his pants so it wouldn't touch the blood*

Employee: yes sir, we'll conform your request right away *leaves*


Actually someone you'd underestimate, she is a bit clumsy and always claims to be the weakest but think again and you're dead

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Actually someone you'd underestimate, she is a bit clumsy and always claims to be the weakest but think again and you're dead. She still has some of her 1p's personality since she is caring and kind but she's pretty neurotic and could from insane to really insane— there's no in between.



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