Jokes i think of but aint funny (ft. Netherlands)

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Myanmar: knock knock

Cambodia: who der?

Myanmar: doorbell

Cambodia: doorbell who?

Myanmar: Your doorbell broke so I had to knock

Indonesia: knock knock

Malaysia: who's there lah

Indonesia: whale

Malaysia: whale who?

Indonesia: whale you open the door and let us in?

Philippines: you're like the ocean

Singapore: because I am deep and mysterious?

Philippines: well, I meant you're full of salt and scare people

Thailand: my hands are cold

Vietnam: *holds Thailand's hands* better?


Thailand: for some reason my lips are cold

Laos: adding 'lmao' doesn't hide your pain

Brunei: yes it does lmao.

Myanmar: y'all motherfuckers don't know about my knife shoes!

Cambodia: ice skates.

Myanmar: blocked.

PNG: I never make the same mistake twice!

Timor: he makes four or five, just to be clear

Indonesia: *standing on top of a table* quick! The floor is lava!

Philippines: I don't understand, there's no volcanoes nearby..

Malaysia: *face-planted on the floor* ahh.. the sweet release of death


Indonesia: why're you two like this?

Myanmar: I wanna die

Laos: no! You have so much to live for!

Cambodia: I wanna die

Laos: I'll help you with it

Singapore: you're cute

Brunei: thanks



Singapore: aren't you gonna say something else?

Brunei: what am I gonna return the favor? Does every little deed need a price to pay?!

Singapore: IM GAY

Indonesia: I want someone who is nice

Netherlands: *exists*

Indonesia: I want someone who is tall and handsome

Netherlands: *still exists*

Indonesia: yet I want someone who wouldn't choose power (money) over love


Indonesia: oh hey Netherlands what're u doing here?

Netherlands: I just thought of wanting to waste my time over someone who doesn't even notice me

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