Adventures with Timor and Brunei!

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This will be like Dora the explorer because she my childhood except this is way worse

Timor: hola! Soy' Marianna!

Timor: como estas'?

Timor: this is my friend boots!

Brunei: *wearing a boots onesie and is a lot taller than her*

Brunei: *nonchalant* again, why do I have to do this?

Timor: because you lost you fag—

Timor: AAAHAHAHAHAHAH I mean, let's get on with the adventure!

Brunei: *facepalms*


Timor: lets first with our start problem!

Brunei: what?

Timor: too much walking drained my energy

Brunei: do you want me to carry you?

Timor: nah I got everything in my backpack!

Timor: *fishes for something in her bag* *summons water*

Timor: *gets a banana*

Timor: shi—(bleep)

Brunei: ey, a banana! *steals banana and eats it*

Timor: Okay nevermind, let's face the problem first.

Timor: we've reached the end of the road but there's another path across the side!

Timor: we need to find a way! What ever shall we do!?

Brunei: i can throw u

Timor: wtf no

Brunei: come on

Timor: no

Brunei: I'll be careful this time

Timor: Wait, what do you mean this time—

Brunei: *props her up and throws her across the cliff*

Timor: *shsuhdjiqnsndieinrkoqodnfnfiir-ing*

Timor: *thankfully landed on the other end*

Timor: phew! That was easy! Now we just gotta get boots to come her—

Brunei: hello!

Timor: how'd you get here?!

Brunei: there was bridge offscreen so...*shrugs*

Timor: *facepalms*

Timor: lets just get on with the next task


Swiper (a.k.a Cambodia): *drops from above the tree*

Cambodia: I'm swiper! The person who...swipes things..

Timor: we've bumped into each other like, several episodes ago

Brunei: what're you gonna swipe this time?

Cambodia: I'm here to steal..

Cambodia: your heart~

Timor: oh my gosh

Brunei: *blush*

Cambodia: *flirts with Brunei*

Timor: Okay okay, this is like a kid show

Timor: I'm five

Timor: boots is probs like 3 or my age

Brunei: I'm legally 20

Timor: and I'm legally done with this

Cambodia: I was just sticking to the script

Timor: who made this script?

Brunei: uhh Indonesia did

Malaysia: *with a speaker* wrong! I'm the director!

Timor: eh?

Malaysia: yeah that's right, I'm in charge of this show

Timor: how did I not know this?

Brunei: how did we not know anything in general?

Cambodia: hello? I'm still here

Malaysia: Okay that's enough screen time Cammy you can go now

Cambodia: hmph! *leaves with sass*

Malaysia: alright let's take a break then we can continue with the next scene

Timor: I don't understand

Malaysia: you're still a child my sweet niece *pats her*

Timor: I'm 12

Malaysia: ehh I don't think so

Timor: *pouts*

Brunei: since when have you been uhh..doing this thing?

Malaysia: *sits on the table casually while taking a bite of a donut*

Malaysia: since..

Malaysia: I actually don't know

Timor: but I thought I was just doing this for entertainment I didn't know people actually watch this

Brunei: I'd say the same about this book

Malaysia: then why do you look at nowhere?

Timor: uhh, because everyone does

Malaysia, Brunei and Timor: *breaks the fourth wall by looking at you*

Brunei: I still don't get why we're looking at nothing

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