Bippity boppity boo, you need to study your history test foo(l)

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A summarized history of the ASEAN of when the westerners colonized them (based on my History text book)

Arrival of Westerners in the region

Indonesia: *has spices*

Westerners: *happens to be there in her islands*


Westerners: give me all your spices

Indonesia: why

Westerners: because.

Indonesia: okay

Other countries—Portuguese, Dutch, and British: *interested in the spices so they wanted to trade too*

Portugal: damn this is a nice place, it has everything I asked for! Maybe I should occupy the port areas so all the spices and trading supplies will be mine *maniacal laughter*

Portugal, in 1511: *occupied Malacca and benefited the trade with the Southeast Asia fam*

Portugal, in 1512: *successfully ruled the Spice Islands*

Also Portugal, in 1520: Damn this place(Timor) is nice..maybe I should claim this as mine *another magical laugher*

"Portuguese were the first to discover Southeast Asia and establish trading posts in the area, Portugal's dominance of the region did not last long. In 1580, Portugal came under Spain's power"

Portugal: ah shit, here we go again.

Portugal: *lost everything and went under Spain's control but regained independence in 1640*

The Dutch in Southeast Asia

Netherlands: *continued to traverse and occupy land in the 17th century and eventually landed in Southeast Asia*

Netherlands: *established "Dutch East India Company" to protect the trading interests of the Dutch*

Netherlands: *also established a city of Batavia (present-day Jakarta) as the base for the Dutch spice monopoly in 1619 and an important trading center for other traders*

Netherlands: *eventually occupied island after island in Indonesia and took Malacca from Portugal in 1641 but lasted until 1798*

Netherlands: *because he has some issues with himself so the company was abolished in 1799*

Netherlands: ;-;

The British in Southeast Asia

Britain: *grew his power from Penang island to a large part of Malaysia with the "British East India Company"*

Britain: Malacca is mine

Netherlands: *was a government-in-exile*

Britain, in 1795: *occupied Malacca* Malacca is mine! You'll never defeat me for I am Great Britain!

Netherlands: okay *gives Malacca to England in 1824 cause he's tired of his bullshit*

Britain: this country is mine *points at Singapore*

Chibi! Singapore:

Netherlands: before you do anything reckless, I still have my authority to the other parts of this region

Britain: *snorts* and what would that be?

Netherlands: I still want the south of the Malay Peninsula

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