Some Otps and Crack ships that i uwu everyday

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If I ever think of a scenario of this ship, it's probably like those typical anime how's where there's this cool dude (Singapore) and a tsundere girl who pretends to not care but is actually dying from lovestruck when she sees her crush (Malaysia). Malaysia is not that typical tsundere girl where she just screams BAKA BAKA BAKA! no, I hate those types. She's like a cool and chill type if y'know what I mean :/

Malaysia: I..uh..don't like you y'know *blushes*

Singapore: *raises eyebrow because bitch knows everything*

Singapore: then prove it

Singapore: look me in the eye

Malaysia: *blushes even harder*

Malaysia: *tsundere mode on* Doesn't it sound like a pervert trying to molest me by their eyes?!

Singapore: is that denial I hear?

Malaysia: psh, why would you say that?

Singapore: you love me don't you?

Malaysia: *sighs then finally stares at him*

Singapore: *moves closer* don't hesitate to look away

Malaysia: *trying so hard not to blush* I'm not

Singapore: *smirks*


Malaysia: *looks away because he's just too cute*

Singapore: I knew it


This scenario is kind of like a friend-zone thing. Brunei is a shy guy who's been crushing on her girl "best friend" for so long. Philippines however, remains oblivious and might possibly break his heart because she doesn't feel the same way (mah heart, mah soul)

Philippines: lets play a game!

Philippines: whoever throws a rock the farthest gets to do whether the winner wants

Brunei: sure let's play that, I'm gonna win for sure

Philippines: heh heh, we'll see *throws rock and is a few meters away*

Brunei: *does the same thing but is farther than Phili's rock*

Philippines: damn, nice throw! Okay what do you want me to do?

Brunei: *blushes* gosh I'm not ready for this. But she sure looks so cute, would it hurt if I ask for a kiss? Nah, that would be too risky, I've never won a game in my entirely when it comes to her but now the time has come! I've low key wanna do things to her but that would probably ruin our friendship..does she know that I like her..?

Philippines: Earth to Brunei, you der?

Brunei: *mutters* kisses..

Philippines: what?

Brunei: *swallows his pride* give me kisses

Philippines: sure!

Brunei: Wait, that quickly?

Philippines: *gives him kisses but the chocolate kind*

Brunei: *cries inside* thanks anyway


This will start of as a love/hate but more hate relationship. They start of as enemies but then they'll eventually get closer or something.

Laos: go to hell moron!

Cambodia: why do we fight?

Laos: I—

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