My brodahs

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francis_ann10 !— — — —

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francis_ann10 !
— — — —

Brunei: there's something about you Philippines..

Philippines: hm..?

ASEAN members: *quizzically looks at Philippines*

Philippines: *quizzically looks back at them*

Philippines: what are you..?

Malaysia: *points at her in a circling motion* who are those on your uhmm..everywhere?

Philippines: *hits realization* ohhh haha! These are my children

Thailand: ana~ case closed. Onto our meeting!

???: children?


???#2: we are older than you sister..not by age, but by the quantity of our intellectual power

Philippines: *glooms*

???#3: I'm just here for chicken nuggets

Indonesia: uhmm Oke?

Malaysia: you still didn't answer my question

Philippines: *sighs* I—

???#2: —allow me to introduce ourselves...

???#2: I am Luzon, the smart one

Philippines, ???, ???#3: *rolls eyes*

???#2 (aka Luzon): this idiot *points at ???#3 is Visayas, he is younger than me and from what I said, an idiot.

Visayas: *does middle finger* fuck you Lorenzo

Luzon: *sighs* I would very much not do that Vernon

???: *raises hand* I'm uhm.. Mindanao, I am mostly forgotten but I'm friendly so hi

ASEAN: *in unison* hey

Vietnam: why'd you bring them Phil?

Philippines: *still glooming* I lost ...a bet with them

Previously ..

LuzViMin: let us go with you or face the consequences.. *points gun at her*

Philippines: WTF?! WHERE'D YOU GET THAT?!


Philippines: they threatened me so I gave in..

Laos: you guys must be triplets?

Luzon: no shit sherlock

Philippines: *slaps hand over Luzon's mouth* what he meant to say is yes, yes they are.

Philippines: *turns to Luzon and whisper shouts* don't be rude Luzon! Weren't you supposed to be the etiquette one?!

Luzon: *shrugs*

Philippines: *turns back at them* haha! Sorry, they're a little reckless..y'know? Kids..

LuzViMin: we're 14

Luzon: except I'm 12 minutes older

Visayas and Mindanao: who cares?

Luzon: *rolls up sleeves* go eff yourselves

Philippines: Okay please stop fighting you're embarrassing me

Brunei: *bends down to their height* come on, no one's embarrassing anybody. Besides, they seem cute *pokes Visayas cheek*

Visayas: *bites his finger*

Brunei: *shrieks and yanks his finger away* what the hell?!

Philippines: yeah they bite sometimes..*rubs her arm marked with many scars*

Indonesia: okay, these children need therapy

Singapore: maybe even a responsible caretaker

Philippines: Are you saying that I'm not a responsible person

Singapore: that's for you to figure out and for us to decide

Malaysia: yeah, he's basically saying that you suck at taking care of children

Singapore: *narrows eyes at Malaysia*

Malaysia: what?

Philippines: EXCUSE ME?! You dropped me multiple times as a child!

Malaysia: that was an accident!

Philippines: *huffs*

Indonesia: Stop fighting there are children in here! *points at Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea*

Myanmar: welcome to your Asean life Papua..

Papua New Guinea: *being a happy little bean* I could get used to this!

Cambodia: please don't.

Luzon and Visayas: *fighting somewhere*

Mindanao: *talking to PNG and Timor about his brothers and not to follow them when they grow up*

Vietnam: I'm impressed, this meeting has been already canceled in less than 2 minutes. Faster than our previous ones..

Laos: *claps* hurray for this year.

Brunei: anyway, can we settle this without any physical harm?

Indonesia: I agree with Brunei, why don't we pull them away? Philippines if you might..?

Philippines: I gat dis *dives onto the cloud looking thing where the twins are fighting*

Philippines: *was being thrown out of the cloud looking thing with bruises and wounds*

Brunei: *comes to the rescue*

Philippines: *cough* I couldn't..*cough* I was in the middle..

Malaysia: stop overreacting Phil, they're a lot smaller than you

Philippines: they are ravage monsters

Malaysia: *rolls eyes* and yet they do the work for you

Mindanao: hold on, I think I got this

Mindanao: *whistles* MONIKA IS BEST WAIFU

Luzon and Visayas: *stops fighting and stares at him*

Luzon: who's Monika?

Visayas: *goes all flirty* why didn't you tell us about her?

Mindanao: yep I think I got it

ASEAN: *sighs in relief*

After a tiring day of nothing but hard work and effort trying to let the triplets rest..

Brunei: *cracks shoulder* haa~ I guess it's time we head home

Singapore: but we didn't even discuss our meeting

Indonesia: what was our meeting about anyway

Malaysia: a disease causing everyone to die when they meet contact with the sun and it is rather contagious because it contaminated the air

Laos: well shit

ASEAN: *dies*

The end.

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