Happy belated bday viet-chan and Mal-chan (Sept. 2 and Aug. 31) + PNG (sept. 16)

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Malaysia: *wakes up*


Malaysia: how long have you been watching me sleep?

Brunei: not long

Malaysia: estimate.

Singapore: since 1 am

Malaysia: what the fuck, leave.

Philippines: wait it's your birthday

Malaysia: my birthday was like, a month ago

Cambodia: correction, two months ago

Malaysia: exactly, get out.

Indonesia: don't be so harsh on us sis, we have a gift for you *hands her a cake*

Malaysia: but this is not my flag

Thailand: ah shit, this is for Vietnam *takes the cake away from Indonesia*

Malaysia: real smooth, guys. Real smooth

Malaysia: hold on, I just realized y'all are dressed like me.

Singapore: because we love you

Indonesia: haha not everyone...

Timor: Auntie Mal! Gift for you *hands her a drawing*

Malaysia: this is totally not the first time you drew me as a demon—

Malaysia: I mean thank you Timor, very pleasing ^^

Timor: you're welcome

PNG: it was also my birthday a month ago

Timor: happy birthday then

PNG: wow thanks, I was not expecting that wow.

Laos: anyways, we don't have much time, we still need to visit Vietnam because it was also her birthday

Malaysia: you can leave first I'm going back to bed *goes to bed*

Indonesia: *carries her by the neck* oh you're coming with us

Malaysia: goddamnit.

Vietnam: *having tea with Taiwan*

Vietnam: this is such a beautiful birthday gift Taiwan, I really appreciate it

Taiwan: you deserve this really, I'm sorry if I didn't get you a proper birthday

Vietnam: don't worry, I just love to chill with a close friend in her secret garden

Vietnam: full of flowers and butterflies

Vietnam: it's peaceful


Vietnam: it's quiet


Vietnam: it's stunning



ASEAN: *breathes*

Vietnam: for the love of—STOP RUINING MY MONOLOGUE

ASEAN: sorry

Myanmar: we just wanted to you know, surprise you

Vietnam: you sure did. You surprised the sanity away in me.

Taiwan: *laughs nervously* okay okay, Viet-chan don't be so mean to your family, they wanted to give back to all the things they missed out such as your birthday ..

Vietnam: they fucking drowned me during the last birthday chapter

Brunei: *looking down in shame*

Philippines: it wasn't his fault Ate Vietnam—

Vietnam: I didn't ask for an opinion Philippines

Malaysia: I like this day

Indonesia: *sighs*stop fighting, you guys act like children.

Myanmar: children trapped in adult bodies

Singapore: I'm not a part of this, why do I have a dialogue

Indonesia: as I was saying, Thailand has something for you Vietnam

Thailand: *kisses Vietnam*

Indonesia: I meant the cake Thailand

Thailand: oh yeah right *gives the cake*

Vietnam: *speechless because dude wtf you can't just do that*

Thailand: happy birthday ana~

Malaysia: what about me? Where's my kiss?

Singapore: again, I am not a part of this

Philippines: don't be such a bitch Sing, she's not dirty


Singapore: I am not OCD

Philippines: lol what I didn't say anything about OCD

Singapore: forget that, *goes near Malaysia*

Malaysia: *blushes uwu uwu*

Singapore: happy birthday, *kisses forehead*

Malaysia: *stupefied*

Singapore: *casually wipes mouth*

PNG: anyway, happy birthday guys. Let's celebrate.

ASEAN & Taiwan: yay! *eats food that has been there the whole time*

Timor: you look so gloomy today PNG, wat de matter?

PNG: nothing, nothing at all :)

Timor: I'm sure author-sama will make a chapter dedicate for you :)


I just dug my own grave. Apologies.

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