Among us Asean

341 27 30

There will only be ten members in this chapter.

This excludes Timor and PNG.

Sorry guys.

Timor: meanie!

PNG: look on the bright side, at least we get to skip out on all the blood and gore

Timor: hurray boring life

There are 3 imposters among us


Philippines: there are three imposters among us, cool, but China isn't here.

Laos: FUCK YEAH a simulation where you have the privilege to lie!

Singapore: and all crimes are legal

Brunei: ooh~ we bad people *snickers like a child*

Malaysia: everybody be gangsta right now until someone dies

Thailand: ana~ this is such a great time where you can sneak up to your friends and..

Cambodia: and what?

Thailand: oh you know where it'll take you~ *sinister grin*

Myanmar: wait, are we gonna die?!

Indonesia: well technically that is the game


Laos: the suits aren't my aesthetic, makes me look chubbier

Vietnam: that is the point my guy

Indonesia: okay now's the time to be serious, we need to do our tasks and—

Oxygen depleting in (30)s

Indonesia: wait, that quick?! It just started like a minute ago

Cambodia: still faster then Singapore's internet connection *finger guns*

Singapore: ha ha. Humor.

The rest of the ASEAN: *runs away to fix the issue*


Indonesia: all in favor of being with someone during tasks, say "Malaysia is gay"

Malaysia: wha-

Vietnam and Laos: Malaysia is gay

Brunei and Singapore: Malaysia is gay

Malaysia: you could've made more appropriate words for the bid—

Indonesia: okay cool, now you two will be placed in pairs and just stick to your tasks

Indonesia: while Thai, Phil, Myan, and Cammy will separate.

Vietnam: but why don't you guys wanna have any partners though?

Thailand: won't partner up unless it's you~

Cambodia: get anxiety if someone is watching me do my tasks

Myanmar: trust no one

Philippines: I'm just lonely

Indonesia: okay that settles it, now leave bitchesss. And let the fun *smirks* begin~

15 minutes from doing tasks

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