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Did I ever tell you the genders of the Asean?

I think not.

But i also think you know their genders already.

But I'll just put it here because I didn't put their genders in the first book ;-;

Brunei: Boy

Cambodia: man

Indonesia: whaman

Laos: gorl

Malaysia: whaman

Myanmar: man

Philippines: h̸o̸e̸ gorl

Singapore: man

Vietnam: precious gorl

Thailand: smiling man

Timor Leste: little precious gorl

Anyway, why don't we make a story? About like death or something?


"Maybe someday, we'll see each other and start over again akak!" Malaysia grinned as she playfully punched the Indonesian's arm who was smiling the brightest as tears threatened to spill in her eyes. The sun had made them all in a tangerine color as it was about to set, meeting the surface of the once blue ocean. The ASEAN, watching the waves lash out from each other, stayed on the bridge as their usual place to hang out until they parted ways to go to their homes.

Indonesia, stayed quiet. In fact, everyone did—they knew that Indonesia would leave them someday and they couldn't do anything to stop it. For Indonesia, when a decision is made, there's no turning back. Two hands were suddenly placed gently on Indo's shoulder, startling her for a while until she turned back.

"If you're ever coming back, don't forget to bring something for us hahaha!" Cambodia jeered but Myanmar nudged him hard on the stomach receiving an 'oof' and a glare from him, Myanmar glared back at him.

"Yeah, and when you come home, we'll celebrate your return like old times right?" He turned to Indonesia with a sincere smile, knowing that he will miss her very much. Indonesia wiped her tear from under her eye and hugged them both tightly, finally breaking down into tears.

The rest of the ASEAN joined in, offering Indonesia one last family hug from them. She was leaving and she doesn't know when she will ever return. They finally broke the contact and all eyes were giving her sympathetic looks with smiles still lingering on their faces.

"We love you ate!" Philippines couldn't hold back tears and just eventually collapsed in Brunei's chest who also, was crying. Malaysia's tears strolled down her cheeks but tries hard not to look at Indonesia. Indonesia smiled, now teasing her sister as she wrapped her arms around Malaysia. The Malaysian was surprised at the sudden contact and aimlessly tries to push her away.

"Stop it lah! You're just making it worse!" Malaysia blubbered, covering her face in embarrassment as tears endlessly well up in her eyes. Indonesia looked up Malaysia's shoulder and noticed everyone was crying, Singapore was trying to conceal the tears in his eyes. Timor ran to her and pounced at her, breaking down on her hips. She was the person who cried the most since she was the closest to her.

"Why'd you have to leave akak?!" She wept, avoiding eye contact with her but just feeling the warmth around her. Indonesia places his hand on her head, sliding her hand near her ear to tuck a loose strand behind it, then trailing to her chin to lift her up now seeing eye to eye.

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