Happy Christmas, Merry New Year

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Cheers to all! This has been a long time since last year's Christmas and I can't believe this book has ranged over 1 year it's so amazing :D and anyway, since Philippines hosted last year's event, were depending on the children (Timor and a lil bit of Papua New Guinea) because..uhh, they're millennials and they know better...? Ahaha anyway, let's get on with it!

Merry Christmas once again from Author-San

It was a Christmas morning for The ASEAN family. Everyone was delighted to see the Christmas morning with accidental "snow" and birds chirping, wait they hibernate in winter..fuck it. It was basically amazing. It was surprisingly cold but not freezing, drools were about on their faces but the smiles and toothy grins were plastered so brightly. Despite their various religious roles and activities, they still manage to be together and have fun.

Malaysia: We're not here about monologues narrator

Narrator: fuck you then *leaves*

Malaysia: anyway, it's Christmas. What're y'all gonna do?

Indonesia: *hands mugs of hot chocolate/Milo to everyone sitting on the big dining table*

Indonesia: y'know the usual, sing Christmas songs, hand gifts, eat food, something like that

Myanmar: what about the joy of being together?

Indonesia: when was "being together" enjoyable?

Brunei: *sips Milo* you should always ask the experts about Christmas *cocks at Philippines*

Brunei: wait where is she?

Singapore: apparently she doesn't want to meddle with us anymore so she's having Christmas alone

Philippines: what? I just left to the bathroom a second ago *pops out of the doorframe*

Singapore: *dramatically* sometimes I can still her voice

Philippines: whatever, I'm not hosting this Christmas event

Thailand: why not ana~ last year's party was..

Vietnam: a disaster

Laos: woah Nam, that was harsh

Vietnam: sorry, I'm not a morning person

Cambodia: well, I agree with Vietnam. I remember we had to like, cross mud before going inside the venue. My shoes were all soaked!

Philippines: well sorry! You're just bunch of inexperienced babies who can't even stand a chance stepping on innocent mud—

Brunei: Phil, I stepped on dog shit. Who knows what other things may be lurking on those grounds

Philippines: whose side are you on? I thought you love me—

Malaysia: okay stop with your "friends with benefits's" fight, we still have another crisis to discuss about


Whole ASEAN: *looks at her displeased*

Timor: did I miss something..?

Indonesia: well, your timing. But whatever, what do you want?

Timor: You guys can celebrate in my place! It's gonna be amazing trust me

Myanmar: oh ho? Who's gonna be handling the party?

Timor: me and PNG of course! Trust me, it'll be the best one!

Cambodia: I doubt that.

PNG: *pops out of nowhere* ahah don't worry! We've been planning this since like, yesterday

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