Chapter 17 - Purple Lightning and a Manuscript

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Hi guys!
I finally have time to write! ...after I sprained my ankle and had to stay at home. Sad.... buttt nevertheless! I present to u this amazing chapter.😘😘
🎧: Navigate - Band of Skulls

Chapter 17 – Purple Lightning and a Manuscript

Its so strange how normal this world is. Its just like back home. There were trees, shops, trains, and everything. The people here definitely looked different though. You could distinguish the demons from the ghosts, the reapers, it all felt so normal yet so unreal. The familiar features of the town soon vanished and was replaced by frightening trees. Their branches were stripped of their lively leaves, and gloomy clouds loomed over the area. The Enchanted Woods. "What a striking yet fearsome place." Maeva whispered as I continued staring in awe.

The lightning was oddly purple, and thunder roared deafeningly, blocking out any other sound that dare overshadow it. "Who exactly are we going to see?" I asked Maeva. Her purple eyes bore into mine. "Someone I didn't think I'd be seeing any time soon. Someone who everyone thinks is dead." She replied. "Maeva, why are you so mysterious? Why can't you just tell me the name?" I pressed further. "Once uttered by a witch, never to be heard again. The name all creatures fear, the name all witches take pride in." Lightning struck and thunder followed. I let out an exasperated sigh and closed my eyes. "Wake me up when we get there?" I told Maeva. "Of course." She told me. "If his powers didnt wake you before I did." She then whispered. I was too tired to give it much thought, so I drifted away into a land where time did not exist. Into a land where my mind was my own and my destiny was under my control.


The wind blew harshly into my face and the icy gust left me trembling. "How much more until we get there?" My quivering lips expressed. "Not much." Maeva said, unfazed by the nippy weather. "H-how are y-ou not cold?."
"Witches have the ability to adapt to all weather conditions. I don't feel cold, hot or warm ever." She stated. "Lucky." I grumpily stated, clutching the jacket tighter to my body. "As for your first question, we're almost there. Just a few more and well arrive." I groaned and she laughed.

After ten minutes or so, we faced a humungous bricked castle. Seemed like every stone had a tale to tell. Maeva inched closer to the house and the large wooden doors with golden latches opened steadily. As we entered the grand abode, I felt magic pouring out of the walls. Maeva led me to a room with red couches and antique wooden tables. She looked almost as if she knew it by heart. We sat down on a red couch but just as my body rested on it, a blinding white light flashed and a scene began playing before me.
A candle dimly lit the room,

the old furniture was covered with dust.

It had been abandoned for years.

But now... he resides here

The handle of the door rattled slowly,

He entered the room silently,

The fire roared in the chimney,

A book was left on the old velvet sofa.

He grabbed the book and sat on the armchair with poise,

His fingers traced the outline of the ancient manuscript.

A tear escaped his beautiful dark eyes,

Immortality is merciless.

He had fallen from his innocence just like Lucifer had fallen from heaven.

The demons reside in his soul,

He is acquainted with the villains living inside him,

He knows that he had sinned.

And no matter what he does,

He can never wash the blood off of his hands.

He set the book aside and walked to the mirror,

He stared at the dirty reflection the mirror had presented him with.

He was ashamed,

He did not even recognize his own self.

His restless eyes,

His pale face,

His emotionless expression.

He knew the man he was,

is now sinking in remorse and repent,

And chocking on the blood of his victims.

But the scariest thing he dare not think of is...

Who the next victim will be.

His face paled even more,

And the familiar sickening feeling shot through his body,

The next victim has been chosen.

This time he did not dread killing that person.

For that person is him.

He was to be the next victim.

He withdrew the gun from his drawer and aimed it at his head,

That diseased mind.

Then the sound of the bullet breaking through his skull sounded.

He was now dead,

However, he knew,

He will wake a few hours later as if nothing had happened,

So in those lusterless moments,

He indulged in the only escape he had from immortality.

My vision went back to normal and I was hyperventilating. Somehow I felt a connection to the man I saw in those scenes. I could sense his emotions, his inner guilt and struggles. It was an awful feeling. A tear escaped my eyes. "You mustnt cry, love." A mans voice uttered. My vision focused on an old figure by the doorway. He was tall and had a long white beard. He wore gold-framed glasses and his dark eyes stared at me intently. "You're the man in the visions." I stated. "But why are you so old." I spat out without thinking. Shit.

"That bullet triggered my aging genes. So now I'm immortal and old." He explained. "Why have you come here, Maeva." He turned his attention to her. "I think you already know, father. " Wait, what? Hold up. Father? I spun towards Maeva to see her wearing a stone-cold expression, staring at the old man.

"We have come to unlock the spell placed on 'Of Hell and Heaven.' " He gave her a confused look and burst out laughing. "That's impossible. The book has been missing for quite a while." He relapsed into a serious face. "Excuse me?" I intervened. "I have it with me right here." He looked at me, sparks of fear crackling in his eyes. "Is this a joke of some kind?!" He retorted. "Why would it be a joke, Drakos!" Maeva cried. "Because I BURNED the manuscript after I came back to life." He roared. The sound of the sizzling fire cut through the silence like a dagger. Drakos' eyes held tears as Maeva reached for her bag and retrieved Of Hell and Heaven. Maeva handed him the manuscript without uttering a single word.

"You don't know how much trouble this book has caused me. This book is the worst thing that has ever happened to me." Drakos' unsteady voice said as he walked to the blood red arm-chair and sat on it. "What's up with this book?" I asked him. He drew a deep breath and closed his eyes.

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