Chapter 5- All Hallow's Eve

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I'm having so much fun writing this book you can't imagine. IN HONOR OF THE LONGEST BLOOD MOON OF THE CENTURY, I DECLARE THE BEGINNING OF A NEW CHAPTER!

Love you all!
🎧: Hurts Like Hell by Fleurie

Chapter 5- All Hallow's Eve

Lunch came by quickly and I knew what was going to happen. I got out of my seat and headed to the library hoping no one would follow me there or try anything.

I hastily strode to the library but before I could open the door a hand grabbed my arm. Awh shit. I was spun around to be met with Jayden. "We meet again, fatty." He sneered. Ok that hurt. Sure I wasn't skinny but I wasn't fat either. "Listen here, I may not have a thigh gap like your bitchy blonde bimbo cheer squad but that doesn't make me fat. By the way, what's wrong with being fat, huh? Nobody said the default should be skinny. We may not look alike or think alike but we all have the right to live peacefully and in a friendly environment, not a judge-mental society with whore-ific standards if you get what I mean." I snapped.

"You sure grew some balls and I'm going to make sure you're done for, this time." He seethed. "I dare you." I challenged regretting it the second he swung his fist in my stomach and I fell to the floor. "You worthless bitch. Never talk to me like that ever again."

"You think you're strong, hitting a woman. But I can tell you, your body will burn in the fiery pits of hell and I will ensure that!" I bit at him with anger. "Call me when you start running hell." He scoffed then turned away. One day, I will show him what it's like. I will make him pay. "Son of a bitch this hurts." I whispered as I clutched my stomach in pain.
The day was officially over and my stomach-ache wouldn't go away. I had threw up a few times, but I only think its because of the impact. I made my way to the orphanage as the wind howled mercilessly. I could barely keep my eyes open. I clutched my jacket closer to my body in an attempt at warming myself, but to no avail. I still have to help decorate for the charity event, shower, get dressed, and then also help with the food. "Could this day get any worse?" I sighed.

Seems like god has a personal agenda against me today and as soon as the words left my lips, the sky roared and rain came pouring down. "Spoke too soon."

By the time I reached the orphanage, I was soaking wet. "I'm definitely catching a cold." I said as I peeled my clothes off in my bedroom. I took a hot shower, exited then wore yoga pants and a sweater.

As I entered the room where the charity was being held, I noticed it was buzzing with tens of people setting up. I scanned the crowd in hopes of finding a familiar face, I spotted Sister Elizabeth. "Sister Elizabeth!" I shouted and she looked at me. A smile etched on her lips as she made her way in my direction. "How was school today, Thana?!" She questioned enthusiastically. "Interesting." I lied through my teeth. "Great! Oh, I've been meaning to tell you that the Lennard's are the ones organizing the event, so they brought all these people to set up! We don't gave to lift a finger!" She explained excitedly.

"That's great!" I told her and she told me to go back to my room and get ready. I couldn't help but feel like the name 'Lennard' was familiar. Then again, almost everyone in this town ended up on a cover of a newspaper for being 'Entrepreneur of the year' or some other ridiculous title they did not truly deserve. The idiocy!

I sat on my vanity and decided to start with my makeup. I went for something simple yet elegant. The best thing about this orphanage is that after you turn 13, they provide you with a small sum of money every month so you can buy whatever you need. It's very generous of them to do so.

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